Road car or race car - how about both?

28 February 2010
Nova Scotia, Canada
I daily drive my NSX.
Some owners have garage queens.
Some race their cars.

For those people who have garage queens - thank-you, I'll buy your car someday when I wear mine out (a long time from now) so take good care of it! (your NSX is a great long term investment).

For people who race their cars - on NSX Prime you can learn a lot about how to "improve" the NSX. On the race track a NSX can benefit from larger brakes, more horsepower, stickier tires and suspension upgrades. It's economical ($5,000 - $20,000) to modify our cars, some of which are 25 years old (like mine), to win against the best race cars made today costing tens, or even hundreds of thousands dollars more.

I argue you can make the NSX a better race car, but not a better road car.

My NSX is a road car, the best I've ever owned. It's responsive, has more than enough performance for the road, great styling and it's fun to drive. A NSX is made from materials that will last a VERY long time with reasonable care and the car is reliable. For me it's the perfect road car. I read about minor issues with window regulators, snap rings and head gasket failures (easily avoided - just change your engine coolant with every new timing belt) and how big of a deal all this is.

These things are minor and easily fixed for a couple of thousand dollars (max) when caught early.

When done, you have one of the best-engineered road cars ever built, without faults, and someday if you want to race your NSX you can put some more money into it and achieve world-class performance, 25 years after it was designed.

The NSX is one of the most under-appreciated cars in the world and I'm thrilled to have one in my garage.

It's time to appreciate the NSX for what it is - a finely crafted work of automotive engineering art.

As of today I have 196,285 km on mine.
...I argue you can make the NSX a better race car, but not a better road car....

I love to argue. Thus, I offer four ways to make the NSX a better ROAD car:
-HID headlight kit - Night and day difference in nighttime visibility. One of the few non-power modifications that make the care better, not just different.
-Navigation - But a bit of a challenge if one wants to maintain (or be able to return to) all original
-Second generation ABS conversion...Significant improvement in reliability and safety...but then again it will never be original after that.
-AAA card - You don't REALLY want to have to rely on a 25 year old air pump or drive on a 25 year old space saver spare, do you?

One could argue about rims, exhaust components, power adders etc. but for me, original is for the most part best.
Okay, better ABS would be nice, but a stock '91 car can out-brake most cars on the road already...
Navigation - just add a holder for your iPhone.
HID headlight kit - maybe, but some are so bright you blind oncoming drivers (a good thing?).
AAA card - maintain your car properly and you won't need it.

Just my 2 cents worth...
the best part about the nsx compared to modern state of the art cars......I don't need my key to check the mileage when i have to renew registration.....:wink:
I love to argue too but i'm still not sure what's the point of this thread :)

Let's face it the car is old and yet we all still love it. So there's really no discussion to be had. Perhaps you should post this in the Ferrari or the Corvette forums ;)

p.s. The old ABS is awful. In a rainstorm the car overshot the intersection by a good 10 ft. It freaked out after sensing the painted lines and slipping on it. I thought I was going to get hit by crossing traffic.
I love to argue too but i'm still not sure what's the point of this thread :)

Asked and answered.

Now back to our thread...
Okay, better ABS would be nice, but a stock '91 car can out-brake most cars on the road already...
Navigation - just add a holder for your iPhone.
HID headlight kit - maybe, but some are so bright you blind oncoming drivers (a good thing?).
AAA card - maintain your car properly and you won't need it.

AAA card - No amount of maintenance will protect you from that nail in the road.
HID headlight kit - If you have a proper kit correctly aimed you can get better illumination with less glare for oncoming drivers.
Navigation - I have an Android.
Better ABS. - see docjohn's post
Agreed on the Oem abs system. It's shite. Just like ryu did on a wet day mine did too. There was still some lock up of the brakes. The old abs was very slow to react. I had the system flushed two months ago and still when it is cold it makes the worst noise during the first 100 feet of driving. I hate it!!!!