River Run -- June 24, 2007: Details

21 March 2000
Allentown, NJ
River Run - June 24, 2007 - 10:00 AM - VanSant Airport, Erwinna PA

The official announcement and registration form will be mailed to Northeast NSXCA members in the next couple weeks. But we have such a great day planned we wanted to share with everybody some of the details so that you can mark the event in your calendar!

Here are the highlights:
  • Win one of two 15-20 minute glider rides courtesy of the NSXCA. Only NSXCA members and their guest will be eligible.

  • One hour group drive which will take us on some great twisty roads and scenic byways.
  • Wine tasting and buffet lunch. Mamma D's Italian Restaurant and the Fratelli Desiato Vineyards will be our hosts for some of the best Italian food in Bucks County!
  • Door prizes donated by Asimo Motorsports (aka LarryB), Koches Repair and Detailed Image.

Cost: $25 per person
Registration Deadline: June 15
Winners of the glider ride will be notified at the close of registration.

For those of you who don't win a ride but want to take one anyway, please visit http://www.vansantairport.com.

Registration forms will be mailed in the next couple weeks to all NSXCA Northeast members. Non-members are welcome but will not be eligible to win one of the two glider rides. Great reason for you to join the club!! Only costs $40/year. Check out http://www.NSXCA.com for more details.

Your hosts:
Don, Chuck and Fernande. (Prime names: Chuck Morgan and TheDon67)
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I'm in (+1) but only if you fix my rims by then :biggrin:

I'm sure Chuck is prepared to take the first wrong turn again :tongue: I'll follow with my usual misdirection and all will be OK :cool:

This will be my pre-closing/moving celebration run..... can't wait to see everyone :smile:
Im in, Sundays are nice NSX days:biggrin: Now if I could just go to sleep a little earlier on Saturday nights:biggrin:
The Boss (Nancy) and I are RSVPing from sunny Jamaica!!! It had better be nice by the time we get home!!!! Look forward to seeing everyone at this and also the other two events in June, the Offsie Cancer walk (see sticky) and the Bridgewater Kid's Event day, c'mon guys and gals, (Bags, you can bring Tony if you want to) let's get together a few times this season!!!:biggrin:
The Boss (Nancy) and I are RSVPing from sunny Jamaica!!! It had better be nice by the time we get home!!!! Look forward to seeing everyone at this and also the other two events in June, the Offsie Cancer walk (see sticky) and the Bridgewater Kid's Event day, c'mon guys and gals, (Bags, you can bring Tony if you want to) let's get together a few times this season!!!:biggrin:

So there I was on Sutphin Blvd in the heart of Jamaica and there was no Roger to be found anywhere. Searched high and low and the only thing I received for my efforts was a good mugging :eek:
Hope you are getting a much deserved rest and we're looking forward to catching up on some good stories at some of the events in June :biggrin:
hey, i can donate the services of my piper 28-140....
will trade plane rides for a cruise in an nsx!!
never done that before...:wink:

vansant is really cool. old school airport.

We haven't responded yet because of potetnial schedule conflicts, but, if we make it to RiverRun, you're on for the ride swap.

Frank & Jan
96 NSX-T, red/tan

We haven't responded yet because of potetnial schedule conflicts, but, if we make it to RiverRun, you're on for the ride swap.

Frank & Jan
96 NSX-T, red/tan

how's your life insurance??:confused: :biggrin:

Does the CAB and FAA know something about you that I should know too? You haven't been "featured" in any of their recent bulletins, have you? :biggrin:

funny bob, what did you do to my teeth???

gotta opalesence my grill again...
If you are yacking it up for the camera,,,,, who's flying the plane??:eek: :biggrin:
bob, how do you like your hair...
short, cut close to the scalp,
or long & wavy...:rolleyes:
Got the mailer today, going to send it in me and the wife will be there..........she promises to wear blind,ers so I can drive in peace!!!!
Roger, I am surprised you accepted the invitation so quickly -- before you found out whether Bags was going - and if she was going alone or with me:smile:

Tony, I already know the answer, what you don't know..............want me to tell you?!?:biggrin: