River Run 6/23/12

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
C'mon Don and Carla, Chuck and Fernande, I know that we all got the email, and some of us have even responded (and paid), but it's time to promote this event and remind everyone that this is one of the great "spouse/significant other" friendly events, and with our "route masters" hard work a real fun day. So if you haven't responded to the club email (club members only!), than step up!!! I'll start a "caravan thread in a couple of weeks!!!
C'mon Don and Carla, Chuck and Fernande, I know that we all got the email, and some of us have even responded (and paid), but it's time to promote this event and remind everyone that this is one of the great "spouse/significant other" friendly events, and with our "route masters" hard work a real fun day. So if you haven't responded to the club email (club members only!), than step up!!! I'll start a "caravan thread in a couple of weeks!!!

"Is this a senior moment?" I recall a River Run thread out there with at least three of your posts in it. A fourth would have "bumped" it. :biggrin: