River Run 2012 - Photos

28 March 2002







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Great photos and an absolutely beautiful shot of Simon, Andrea and Gracie! They look like the perfect family!!!

I also like the stealth shot of Paige. Good job.

Thank you everyone for coming! What a great day and we missed those that couldn't make it!
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I'm glad I finaly made a bonafide NE event! Kudos to all the organizers.The roads were twisty,the natives restless,and to my knowledge no major mishaps:smile: Nice restaurant as well.Missed the Big E's,Mills,and everyones favorite Chocolate covered bannana eater...Joe san.Nice to see 4 new members:smile:
Great photos and a great day, thanks to everyone who worked hard to put it together. Was nice to meet so many new people, look forward to seeing you all again.

Special thanks to Arista and RobD for the escort service out to Long Island, it made a long traffic filled trip fun to share it with you.
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That picture of larry g, is x rated :-)
we may need to start a dedicated bannana gallery:tongue:
Great photos and an absolutely beautiful shot of Simon, Andrea and Gracie! They look like the perfect family!!!

Thank you Carla!

Thank you Bob for always capturing the moments!

I also wanted to thank everyone who worked so hard to organize this wonderful event. We had a blast :)
Thank you Carla!

Thank you Bob for always capturing the moments!

I also wanted to thank everyone who worked so hard to organize this wonderful event. We had a blast :)
It was great to see the 3 of you, Gracie is gorgeous, looks just like her mom (Thanks God!)!!!:wink:
that horsie sticker tells other tristate exotic car owners that Roger wants desperately to be accepted by the elite.:wink: