River Run 2010 Photos

28 March 2002
Thanks to Poohkie, The Don, Fernande and Chuck Morgan for another great River Run today. We had 34 cars, 60 attendees and even a surprise treat to offset the appearance of an interloper.

More photos to follow..........

Was that officer a park ranger? How come that guys brains weren't splattered all over the GT?

Just kidding, I thought it was pretty cool to include our mid-engined brother.

Thats one hella of a panny shot ,,,,,,, I wanna learn how to do that

It's not that hard :-) Here is my version of the same photo:

On the way to the meeting point I brought Larry to last years Ring Rock State Park:


And lets not forget that Bob got new hair for his birthday!!!!:smile:

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Great day, great people, GREAT cars! What more could you want!!

BTW: Thanks for the door prize.:smile:

Just a couple pics from the NSX Newbe here. (Thanks for a great meet, organizers, and especially to Don and Carla for making me feel welcome at my first NSX Meet!) :smile:

Don giving his pre-drive briefing (after Carla got everyone's attention) :rolleyes::

Bob testing the strength of a picnic table at the photo-op stop:

(Great pics above, BTW)
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Great pics! I hated to miss this event, Gene Im psyched to see such a new owner diving right in and enjoying the club! Bailey lol I did'nt look at Rogers shoes:biggrin:
I see Roger got matching shoes for his car

Great pics! I hated to miss this event, Gene Im psyched to see such a new owner diving right in and enjoying the club! Bailey lol I did'nt look at Rogers shoes:biggrin:
Both wrong, I had the shoes first, I bought the car to match!!!!:eek:
Great pictures once again.

It was a great first NSXCA event for my wife and I. Everyone was very friendly, and the drive was a lot of fun.

Thanks to everyone who helped put this event together!
Thanks for the pics. Wish I could've made it, but I was stuck in Myrtle Beach drinking beer and playing golf all weekend. :frown:
:eek: Wow, great pictures! Looks like red is the most popular and most desired color in the NE.

Nah. Red is common. Notice the one and only, magnificent Long Beach Blue Pearl? That's the hottest, most desired color. :wink:
It is interesting to compare nsx meet pics region to region.If you look at California/Vegas/Arizona meet pics I see a lot more body/aero mods than we have in the NE.Also wilder wheels.
Hey, biatch, LBBP is nice, but Berlina Black trumps that any day!!! :tongue:

Nah. Red is common. Notice the one and only, magnificent Long Beach Blue Pearl? That's the hottest, most desired color. :wink: