RIP Superman!!

I just came across that news like 15 minutes ago.. RIP Mr. Reeves.

I remember Mr. Kerry mentioning Chris at the debate yesterday...
what the heck happened.
mohaji said:
I just came across that news like 15 minutes ago.. RIP Mr. Reeves.

I remember Mr. Kerry mentioning Chris at the debate yesterday...
what the heck happened.

Ya, I didn't want to be rude or anything but Kerry was just talking about how he can't wait to see him walk again...well, he's walking again...alongside God hopefully in a much better place
Its really a bummer to hear this, I was expecting him to walk again sometime in the future, it would have been quite an inspiration to other's in the same posistion.
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That sucks, I always looked up to him as a kid. May god bless him and his family. :( :(
RIP Superman. :( Truely a sad day.

btw, from my professional experience I doubt he would have ever walked. However, his activism for SCI research(and the money it generated) should yield significant returns to those who suffer this unfortunate injury in the future.
Complications from an infection in a bed sore? :eek: Can any of you doctors in the house tell me how likely that is to happen? It seems very obscure and rare for something so insignificant to cause a fatality. I really wanted to see him walk again someday, but now he can walk in heaven.
Re: A great man who will be missed!!

This is a tragic end to a catastrophic but inspirational story, my heart and prayers go out to his family.

I was paralyzed in a motorcycle crash a few months after Christopher’s accident in 95. I had the pleasure of meeting Christopher at Craig Rehabilitation in 1996 while he was beginning a lecturing tour. Although I had just a few minutes to share with him, let me assure you his attitude and courage was astonishing.

What I do not understand is how he could have developed a bedsore? This type of sore develops from the body not being properly transferred from one place to another allowing too much pressure in build in one area and preventing proper blood flow. I assumed this would happen to persons who do not receive adequate attention “not” a man like Christopher.

I recently received a letter from his foundation where his wife had arranged a surprise birthday party, in the letter was a return birthday card with a donation ticket. For his birthday she showed him how many cards he had received with the dollar amount every one had contributed to his foundation.

Christopher Reeves was a great man whose determination, strength and willingness to help others will certainly to down in history as one of man's greatest achievements

May he rest in peace!
jlindy said:
Complications from an infection in a bed sore? :eek: Can any of you doctors in the house tell me how likely that is to happen?

He has C4 SCI. Eseentially He has minimal sensation below his neck. With time he developed some Sensation and Motor function in his Rt. finger. However that still left him with no sensation in the chest, abdomen, or legs. If you have NO sensation then you can not know when to roll over to get pressure off your buttock or leg(I digress, when you(a person who doesn't have a SCI) sits in a chair too long, you develop some pain or soreness from the prolonged pressure, so you roll over to reduce the "Butt Rott". Mr. Reeves is not able to roll over). The pressure over time will cause skin breakdown and subsequent Decubitus Ulcers. Unfortunately, that is what he developed. The ulcers are painless(due to the SCI), however the complications- Infections are serious.
I just received this email

As you have probably heard by now, Christopher Reeve, our inspirational Chairman, passed away this weekend from heart failure. He was 52 years old.

Christopher was a hero to many people, yet he was most moved by others, stating, “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” He adamantly believed that nothing was impossible and worked tirelessly to find a cure for paralysis.

As a member of the CRPF family, we invite you to extend your condolences to the Reeves. If you would like to send a message, we will pass it along to the Reeve family.

Our memory of Christopher’s inner strength will serve as inspiration for the ongoing work of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation and we will continue in his honor to be steadfast in our goal of finding treatments and a cure for paralysis.


Kathy Lewis
President and CEO
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation

For those who care to do so, the family has requested that donations be made in his honor to the Foundation. Cards may be sent to the family in care of the Foundation at 500 Morris Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey 07081.

For updated information, please visit

Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
500 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081
(800) 225-0292
Mr. Reeves made the sweetest lemonade out of the lemons life handed him.
It took the courage and determination of a superman to make that happen.
And now, he's flying again. RIP.