RIP Andy Griffith

8 March 2006
Sad day. I enjoyed many of his movies and grew up watching re-runs of the andy Griffith show. He was one of the characters that made a mark on my life. RIP Andy.
Damn, many childhood lazy summer days were spent in front of the TV watching his shows. R.I.P. Mr. Griffith.
I'm feeling old because all the guys I knew as a kid are slowly dying one by one.
+1 TURBO2GO Sorta sad isn't it?
I don't know what shows kids watch these days. Who are their role models and idols?
I don't know what shows kids watch these days. Who are their role models and idols?

Snooki, Kardashian, and the like. Read this. Very sad; no wonder I can't relate to a lot of young people these days. There are some independent thinking and well adjusted kids, but that's more the exception than the norm.
I'm feeling old because all the guys I knew as a kid are slowly dying one by one.

No kidding. Donna Summer was a big one for me, I remember my parents listening to her record album all the time. As for Andy Griffith, when I think of him, oddly enough it will be for the TV show Salvage 1, where he played a character that owned a junkyard and built his own spaceship out of junk so he could go salvage junk in space.
+1 TURBO2GO Sorta sad isn't it?

It's more alarming than sad. Like steven Allen's thread on mortality all of a sudden you realize, you aren't far behind. Life is a strange thing. In your teens and twenties it seems like you have all the time in the world. You laugh at older people and always think about all the greats you will do and accomplish through all this vast amount of time that you have. Then as you hit mid life you look back and realize you can't go around with the same attitude because your vast amounts of time aren't so vast after all. Suddenly you have to re-examine a lot of shit...
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It sucks getting old cuz I know there is nothing I can do about it

So true. You watch all these uber-rich and famous people dropping like flies and realize that no matter how much $$ you have or who you know, in the end time and death are blind and don't discriminate. They can't be bribed or blackmailed.