Rimless eyeglasses Q

14 September 2006
For those of your with rimless eyeglasses:

Do you find that the middle nosepiece is distracting? I just got a new pair, and before I had the lenses made, I didn't notice the middle nosepiece at all. But now, it feels like it is always in my field of vision and I can't focus on what I want to focus on.

I hope it isn't causing me to go cross-eyed like in that Steve Martin movie, The Jerk.
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I have them and hate them. :frown:

For those of your with rimless eyeglasses:

Do you find that the middle nosepiece is distracting? I just got a new pair, and before I had the lenses made, I didn't notice the middle nosepiece at all. But now, it feels like it is always in my field of vision and I can't focus on what I want to focus on.

I hope it isn't causing me to go cross-eyed like in that Steve Martin movie, The Jerk.
I have about four or five pair of them and I love them. Never a problem.
I have a pair of Marchon Airlock rimless/frameless glasses and love them. Unfortunately the nose bridge portion broke in half and I had to drop them off at the optician to have repaired.

There are different widths (the distance between the left and right lens) of nose bridge sections for any particular frame. Perhaps yours is too wide?

The only problematic thing I have found with rimless/frameless glasses is that the nose bridge to lens joints seem to loosen over time. The plastic grommets that hold these joints together seem to "wear out" and require replacing periodically. Luckily it's a quick and easy fix for the optician.
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It can be more distracting since there is no rim of the frame. Regardless most offices will give you credit for both the lens and frame toward another pair if it has not been 30 days. Our office does esp for loyal patients. Just ask.

I've had them, and on top of the nose piece thing, they always seemed too flimsy for me. I went the Oakley prescription eyewear route - love em. Very light half-frames with great rigidity and no nose piece drama.
Perhaps you were fitted incorrectly. I just tried on several pairs of my rimless glasses and I couldn't see the nose bridge when I tried to look for it. I wear rimless glasses ranging from titanium frames to antique rimless ones fitted with my prescription. I would check and see if you received a proper fit.
Perhaps you were fitted incorrectly. I just tried on several pairs of my rimless glasses and I couldn't see the nose bridge when I tried to look for it. I wear rimless glasses ranging from titanium frames to antique rimless ones fitted with my prescription. I would check and see if you received a proper fit.

That was the point I was trying to make as well. I think that they installed a nose bridge that was too wide for him. I would go back and ask if they could install a narrower one. Unfortunately they may need to redo the lenses as well.
No problem with my rimless glass. Mine has thin nose bridge but they tend to get loose after sometime but can be retightened myself. I switch to my old 10 year old Ralph Lauren glass thick rim type which is more comfortable and sturdy.