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Review Of SpeedypartsJapan ----F very bad experience no help

21 August 2007
bought an antenna from this vendor that i didn't receive , it was signed and delivered to someone other then me. i contacted him a few times for help and all he said was it delivered i then contacted Canada post and hit another dead end because only the seller can open a dispute not the buyer. So i asked the vendor to contact canada post and instead of doing it he just gave me the same copy and paste message that it was delivered. After a several messages of him not wanting to help i had to open a dispute with my credit card company and this is the message i get

Hi Quy,

I noticed you filed a dispute. This was not needed. I will send the documents of the address I sent digitally. As well as filing a claim but I did send out your item. It was not under my control of whether your item got stolen or how Canada Post decided to act upon it. Regardless of which, I was planning on sending a replacement but since the dispute is also taking away extra funds, it does deter me from making things right. Can you cancel the dispute so we can figure out what we can do. The items are being sent from Tokyo and not Canada.


The dispute was needed because he wouldn't do anything.
he didnt insure it , no follow up, nothing , i am out 120$ and a lot of wasted time.

Prime beware this is not a responsible seller, in the event that you run into problems this seller will not help you.

Hi Quy,

Let's post our whole chatlog:

Hey Quy

I called Canada Post via Hangouts dialer (apparently I can call Canadian numbers for free using WiFi); Anyway, I explained to them the situation and asked what happened but what they told me was that the package was already delivered to the accepting person and signed for it; therefore they cannot get the item and redeliver. Also, since there was no insurance (because the package was under $200); they cannot do anything anymore. Also, they said that the person who signed for it, signed the full name with a signature.


and as i mentioned to you before it was not delivered to my household and it was not me that signed it, i uploaded the picture of the signature for you to see
you realize how badly you screwed me here? your just going to give up and i have no means of recovering my lost funds
your telling me straight up i got scammed and your not going to do anything about it, you left it to the last dead minute because you were lazy and didnt help when i asked several times


i wish you would have helped me when i requested it 3 times. The only reply you gave me was 'it was sent, thanks' thats all i got , you forced me to to go to my credit card company and i could not cancel the dispute it doesnt work that way over here, understand that your unwillingness to help me as the seller the only person who can initiate the problem threw me to a dead end. again i supported a vendor and i am legit screwed look at the signature again i will upload it for you once more, its 2 squares and a line
these things happen all the time with overseas shipping, you did nothing to help me. I am ready to chalk this up as a loss its not worth my time anymore, look back at all our messages and emails , you were very hesitant and you ONLY wanted to replace the missing package when i opened the dispute and you gave me a reply of 'it doesnt make me want to do the right thing' you have any idea how bad that looks and sounds?
me opening the dispute was the only way you did anything , this was your doing, im going to stop here its not worth my time anymore and honestly this has been nothing but sad seeing a vendor on prime not wanting to help the customer


Originally Posted by SpeedyPartsJapan

Originally Posted by 350ztoronto
yes i uploaded the signature to you , if your going to just ditch this situation like you did forcing me to open a dispute then i'll have no choice to give you a review based off this, im at a dead end cause canada post can't help the buyer do anything only the seller can initiate that , which i asked you and you did not forcing me to open the dispute you did not help me; your customer. I did not receive or sign for any item, i supposed a vendor on prime and am out 120$ and you did NOTHING to help or investigate this.

is this how you want to end this?


Originally Posted by SpeedyPartsJapan

Originally Posted by 350ztoronto
i will need help again , only the seller can contact canada post regarding this issue, i have notified by my credit card company i will not be refunded my money because canada post delivered it to someone else and they drew 2 squares and a line for a signature and i am totally helpless yet again


Originally Posted by SpeedyPartsJapan
Hi Quy

Please do understand that I operate with Tokyo time and not Canadian time. So when you say I am not doing anything, it is probably because I am sleeping.

BTW here is the slip:

[REMOVED since it showed address]

We sent it out to the right address, we sent out the right item, it was not in our control whether of Canada Posts' responsibilities.

According to Canada Post, THINH PHUNG signed for the item. Whether it is your signature, that I cannot tell; but if your name shows as it is, then it shows as delivered to us.

From everything on our side, looks like you received your item on March 9th:
[TABLE="class: cms_table, width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: cms_table_odd"]
[TD]Signature image recorded for Online viewing[/TD]


Please remove the claim so I can find a remedy, such as send you a replacement; but if you continue the dispute; I will also send all this information in; and it also looks to them that you received the item.


Hi Quy,

Canada Post shows the signature but it shows a full signature. You can view the signature off their website and it shows as a full signature rather than two boxes and a line.


Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk


I kindly requested you to remove the dispute so I can send you a replacement; though you didn't.

I cannot contact Canada Post as I am not in Canada nor have any way to contact them. Should I email them? Can you give me their email? I cannot call them as I do not have access to international calls.

I will try to help you out with this but I actually don't know how much help it will be.

Anyway, if you can give me their information that would be helpful.


Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

Let's also post Canada Post's delivery notification:

[h=1]Delivery status: delivered[/h]<track-page-actions _ngcontent-c16="" _nghost-c19="" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"><track-link-action _ngcontent-c19="" _nghost-c28="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Link
[h=5]Copy the link below to get direct access to this page.[/h]<textarea _ngcontent-c28="" id="linkTxtArea" readonly="true" rows="1" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(8, 124, 192); font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 12px; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; margin: 0px; overflow: auto; height: 80px; min-height: 50px; -webkit-appearance: none; border-radius: 3px; background-color: rgb(221, 221, 221); border-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 1px 2px inset; display: block; padding: 10px 17px; width: 258px; transition: all 0.15s linear; max-width: 100%;"></textarea>
</track-link-action>Print<email-result-action _ngcontent-c19="" _nghost-c29="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Email</email-result-action>

</track-page-actions><track-progress-bar _ngcontent-c16="" _nghost-c21="" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">[h=3]Delivered[/h]A partially-filled bar that says Notice leftindicates that we were unable to deliver the item as expected. We'll tell you where and when to pick up your item when the information is available.
A partially-filled bar that says Ready for pickup indicates that your item is available for pickup at a post office. Check the delivery progress below for details.
A fully green Delivered bar indicates your item has been successfully delivered.



Date received


</track-progress-bar><track-delivery-details _ngcontent-c16="" _nghost-c22="" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">[h=3]Delivery details[/h]<track-service-type _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c32="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">ServiceInternational Inbound Courier

</track-service-type><track-features-options _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c33="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Features and Options
Signature Required

</track-features-options><track-expected-delivery _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c34="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Expected Delivery

</track-expected-delivery><track-cod-remit-item _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c35="" style="box-sizing: border-box;"></track-cod-remit-item><track-original-return-item-number _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c36="" style="box-sizing: border-box;"></track-original-return-item-number><track-reference-numbers _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c37="" style="box-sizing: border-box;"></track-reference-numbers><track-standard-date _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c38="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Delivery Standard Date

</track-standard-date><track-delivery-certificate _ngcontent-c22="" _nghost-c39="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Get Delivery Certificate


</track-delivery-details><track-progress-table _ngcontent-c16="" _nghost-c25="" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">[h=3]Delivery progress[/h]This is the most up-to-date information available.
[TABLE="width: 6"]
<thead _ngcontent-c25="" style="box-sizing: border-box; background-image: none; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 4px solid rgb(229, 229, 228);">[TR]
[TH="align: left"]Date[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]Time[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]Location
Our shipping routes are based on the location of our facilities and the destination. For international items, we rely on the postal carriers in foreign countries to provide us with delivery information.

[TH="align: left"]Description[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]Retail Location[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]Signatory Name[/TH]
</thead><tbody _ngcontent-c25="" id="trackprogresstable:tbody_element" style="box-sizing: border-box;">[TR]
[TD]Signature image recorded for Online viewing[/TD]
[TD]Item out for delivery
[TD]Item processed
[TD]Item processed[/TD]
[TD]Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing[/TD]
[TD]Item has arrived in Canada and was sent for further processing.[/TD]
[TD]JPTYOH, Japan[/TD]
[TD]International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada[/TD]
[TD]1008799, Japan[/TD]
[TD]International item mailed in originating country[/TD]

</track-progress-table>Also, Let's match the name of the original buyer to the person who signed for it.

[Attachment REMOVED since it showed partial address]

I asked you to cancel the dispute so I can send you a replacement; but you didn't; So I had to just let it play out.
I have nothing to hide.

I offered a remedy to send you a replacement only if you complied with cancelling the dispute. You didn't.
Quy - the Canada post shows it delievered to your address with “your” signature accepting it. Does anyone else live at your shipping address? Is it a business address, private home or apartment complex? Someone must have been present at your address to sign for it.
I can definitely relate to SpeedyParts. They have packaged your item, sent to your shipping address, and there was a signature verification for the order stating it was the delivered. The seller did their due diligence on the sale and the transaction is completed. I have purchased from them and got the packaged in a short amount of time and my staff signed for the package when it got to our warehouse.

Now I'm not saying Quy is out to scam. Sometimes the buyer might have had their package signed by someone else or impersonating him. In this situation the BUYER need to look at his location and talk to their postal service as the seller cant do much. In the US you would have to file a Postal Inspector issue and report that your mail address is tampered. This would eventually led to the post office holding your package at the postal service for you to pick up in person but this will guarantee that your items are safe.

If the package was signed for your problem is with the Postal Service and not the Seller. The seller can only do so much before they cant help anymore, he even offered a replacement if you closed the case which in turn you didn't do so and decided to take the gamble.
I can definitely relate to SpeedyParts. They have packaged your item, sent to your shipping address, and there was a signature verification for the order stating it was the delivered. The seller did their due diligence on the sale and the transaction is completed. I have purchased from them and got the packaged in a short amount of time and my staff signed for the package when it got to our warehouse.

Now I'm not saying Quy is out to scam. Sometimes the buyer might have had their package signed by someone else or impersonating him. In this situation the BUYER need to look at his location and talk to their postal service as the seller cant do much. In the US you would have to file a Postal Inspector issue and report that your mail address is tampered. This would eventually led to the post office holding your package at the postal service for you to pick up in person but this will guarantee that your items are safe.

If the package was signed for your problem is with the Postal Service and not the Seller. The seller can only do so much before they cant help anymore, he even offered a replacement if you closed the case which in turn you didn't do so and decided to take the gamble.

hi thanks for the reply, most definitely no one is going to scam on here specially for a stupid antenna im more upset about the lack of effort on the sellers part. The only time he decides to do anything is when i had to go to the last measures, regarding canada post im the one who had to do all this work only to end up at a dead end because i am the reciever and the shipper so they informed me that only the seller can open the dispute.

i think the packaged was delievered to the wrong address and someone there signed for it.
Quy - the Canada post shows it delievered to your address with “your” signature accepting it. Does anyone else live at your shipping address? Is it a business address, private home or apartment complex? Someone must have been present at your address to sign for it.

Hi , its not my signature its just a scribble looks like 2 squares and a line across it and it was apparently signed at 3pm when i am at work
There are thousands of transactions within nsx owners community which proved Marc's great business ethics. Find who signed for your package, clearly it was sent to correct address and was accepted by someone on premises.
I can also vouce for Marc. I have ordered a lot of parts from him over the last year with no issues. Everything is always packaged well. Shipped and delivered fast.
Although one might expect challenges transacting business with an overseas company who operates on a time zone less than ideal for USA customers, I've always have had a positive experience with both Mike Takahashi and Marc Perez from [MENTION=33290]SpeedyPartsJapan[/MENTION]. They have been both extremely helpful in answering questions in a timely fashion and were always able to source the parts I needed for my NSX. I would not hesitate to make one or a dozen more purchases from www.thensxshop.com
The problem I always encounter buying from Marc is that when I try to use my debit card, the overseas transaction gets flagged as fraud and it becomes such a pain in the ass to order stuff I just give up. But that’s boa’s problem.
Marc is a stand up guy, this is the first time hearing anything like this about him or his business. I'm not sure how he can be responsible for the delivery thousands of miles away.

The problem I always encounter buying from Marc is that when I try to use my debit card, the overseas transaction gets flagged as fraud and it becomes such a pain in the ass to order stuff I just give up. But that’s boa’s problem.

You need a better bank.!
You need a better bank.![/QUOTE]
I didn’t know there was such a thing as a good bank.:biggrin:But yes, others orders on credit card were fulfilled perfectly from Marc.
Regardiig Marc Perez of theNSXshop.com: After hearing so many people highly recommend him, I did a transaction with him, and I can now, as well, speak very highly of him, his site, and his customer service! He provides great communication through the whole purchase process, answers questions in a timely manner, despite a 14 hour time difference (does this guy ever sleep?), will work with you to combine items in minimal packaging to save on shipping, and comes thorough as he promises. He can access nearly impossible-to-find NSX parts and rare JDM Type-R goodies. His prices look to be fair for the market, not being too high, nor too low.

Marc scored me one of, if not the very last (???) 5 speed manual transmission case for my ’92 after my snap ring snapped at 103K miles, plus one of the two clutch friction discs I needed (found the other one local in Texas). The shipping was fair, and FAST! Sent from Japan on Sunday, arrived Houston early Wednesday!
I have to agree with the majority here. The seller did their due diligence. The dispute is between the buyer and the carrier.
Just an update on this situation, OP was offered another replacement for free but refused to take it.


[FONT=&quot]thanks for the offer but im going to leave this situation as it is, i would have paid 1000$ for my information to not have been posted online to be seen by over 900 people [/FONT]


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 9:55 AM, Marc Perez <[email protected]> wrote:

So did you want me to send you a replacement for the antenna?

It's a really cool 5 min mod. I'd really like people to use it and write about it and how easy it is to install.

For all those making positive comments...put your money where you mouth is and show Marc some love and rate him as a seller here on Prime!
it sure sounded like the buyer wanted more than just an antenna replacement... $1000 to keep quiet? :eek:

Just an update on this situation, OP was offered another replacement for free but refused to take it.

thanks for the offer but im going to leave this situation as it is, i would have paid 1000$ for my information to not have been posted online to be seen by over 900 people




As a customer, I was very satisfied with my transaction with Marc did a window regulator that was priced way below what I could find here and was shipped quickly to accommodate my need to have it before nsxpo last year. Communication was excellent and I would recommend Marc without hesitation.

As a Moderator, I struggled to decide whether to try to remove his personal info from this thread when he requested that I do so. I can respect his privacy but in fairness felt that a public negative thread against a vendor should not be done by someone who could remain anonymous. Public for one should be public for both. However, Marc was a gentleman and removed the address on his own thereby making my job easier. Another reason to give Marc a thumbs up.
I've bought from Marc on several occasions and he has even gone out of his way in an instance. I will continue to purchase from him without hesitation.