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Reversing the DF radiator duct.

14 May 2007
Beaumont, Texas
Ok so heres my thought so bare with me. The newest DF duct {the big round one} that is used specifically for their hood. I'm reinstalling my stock hood for awhile. Will reversing the DF duct to point downward work? My initial reasoning would be to direct all radiator heat downward away from the AC system and off the firewall. Has anyone flipped it over to see if theres clearance? Yes it sounds crazy but it would push everything directly out of the underhood area. Correct? Thoughts? Constructive criticizim is welcome. I do not have this duct yet but would consider one if it would work. Thanks.
It won't work. It won't fit, and I don't see any need to so this. It's effects would be detrimental. The opening would point towards the front of the car, scoop in air and create airflow going Through the rad the wrong direction.

This is a horrible idea. LOL... sorry to burst your enthusiasm.
Why stock hood again?
It won't work. It won't fit, and I don't see any need to so this. It's effects would be detrimental. The opening would point towards the front of the car, scoop in air and create airflow going Through the rad the wrong direction.

This is a horrible idea. LOL... sorry to burst your enthusiasm.
Maybe I pictured it in my head wrong. I hoped it would point downward towards the battery. Hey, I wanted the truth, good or bad. At least now I know.
Why stock hood again?
Ya know after seeing CarolineNSX's stock hood back on his car and then scrolling through the "rolling shots" thread, theres so many awesome cars with stock hoods.
I'm really bored with the car now and need to renew my vows with it. This is why you'll see a few threads I've started about different parts, ect.
Hey, I wanted the truth, good or bad. At least now I know.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UXoNE14U_zM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
