retractable HL / TCS / Dashbrightness NOT WORKING?

15 February 2005

I am in need of Urgent help. I pulled my claster out to clean the glass, I then put it back in and conected all the plugs correctly.

My cluster works but no traction control off works, or dash brightness or the retractable headlights?

Can anyone help, ive checked the fuses...


Those items you mention are easily overlooked on the installation of the cluster BEZEL. There is a green connector on each side of the bezel, you have either forgotten to connect these up OR you have bent the pins them (easy to do) when connecting back up.

Take the bezel off and examine the TCS and Headlight switches.

If you bent the pins then you will have to remove the switch and bend the pins back. I bent one pin in such a way that the TCS would work, but it would not light amber when disabled....drove me bananas.

Good Luck

I'm having the same problems with my interior dash lights (altho the HL retract button still works normally). The dash lights used to flicker when going over bumps, so there was definitely something loose.. and if i played with the dimmer switch itself I could get it to flicker.. but I kept putting off fixing it because I had too many other things to work on.

A few days ago while installing a boost gauge, I took a look at the green connector/harness connected to the dimmer control and figured I'd play with it to see if something was loose. I just reseated it and jiggled it around to see if it would still flicker, but instead the dash lights stopped working completely. I was running short on time, and it didn't effect any exterior lights or operation so I just left it.

Tomorrow I'm going to pull the underside of the dash off again and will inspect the dimmer switch control and the harness.

Drew, thanks for info regarding the pins, I'll check those..
