Republicans ALREADY cheating with votes!!! Voting Machines auto-switch to McCain!

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21 April 2000
Vancouver, Canada
Some Voting Machines in West Virginia won't let you vote for Obama!
When you click on Obama, the cursor automatically switches to McCain!

First link here

Second link here

"When I touched the screen for Barack Obama, the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a vote for John McCain," said Matheney, who lives in Kenna."

"When I pushed Obama, it jumped to McCain. When I went down to governor's office and punched [Gov. Joe] Manchin, it went to the other dude. When I went to Karen Facemyer [the incumbent Republican state senator], I pushed the Democrat, but it jumped again.

"The rest of them were OK, but the machine sent my votes for those top three offices from the Democrat to the Republican," Thomas said.

"When I hollered about that, the girl who worked there said, 'Push it again.' I pushed Obama again and it stayed there. Then, the machine did the same thing for other candidates."

"After I finished, my daughter voted. When she pushed Obama, it went to McCain. It happened to her the same way it happened to me. If the poll worker knew that, why didn't she tell me before I even pushed the button?"

This is the second West Virginia county where voters have reported this problem. Last week, three voters in Jackson County told The Charleston Gazette their electronic vote for "Barack Obama" kept flipping to "John McCain".
I'm still waiting for a single relevant post from this guy about politics.
"Jackson County Clerk Jeff Waybright said, "After we got a call from the Secretary of State's Office, we recalibrated the machine. We had already voted over 400 people with no problems."

Voting problems occur when voters touch the screen, Waybright said, but do not put their fingers inside boxes for their candidates."

"In both counties, Republicans are responsible for overseeing elections. Both county clerks said the problem is isolated.

They also blamed voters for not being more careful.

"People make mistakes more than machines," said Jackson County Clerk Jeff Waybright."

""I touched the one I wanted, Rockefeller, and the machine put a checkmark on the Republican instead," Oates said of her experience Thursday.

She said she caught the mistake, called over a worker in the county clerk's office and was able to correct her vote. But she worries other voters may not catch such a mistake.

When asked if she is sure she touched the box for Rockefeller, she said, "I'm absolutely positive."

Putnam County Clerk Brian Wood said on Saturday that he is upset there are "so many negative stories out there and not enough positive ones. We want people to vote. People need to know the facts.

"But we haven't had any major issues. We try to explain to voters how the machines work then they come in," Wood said.

In Putnam County, early voters have the option of asking for either touch-screen machines or optical scan ballots -- paper ballots on which people mark in their election choices.

Wood said some voters might not realize that touch-screen voting machines may take a few seconds to record their choices.

"The reaction time [on the machines] may be different. And when you hit the screen a second time, it cancels your vote," Wood said. "When you get in a hurry, if you go to fast and hit it again, you can cancel what you just did.

Sounds like human error to me...... Maybe your democratic voters need training on how to place their finger inside the box?
I'm still waiting for those 7 people on NSX Prime who admitted that they won't vote for Obama simply because of his ethnicity, to come forward.

I chose the that one, put me in my cell and throw away the keys. Even though I also said I was doing it to poke fun at the OP, and that I already specifically mentioned this fact in at least one previous post.

But if someone doesn't want to vote for Obama because he's black, that's their choice. It speaks volume about their character and I wouldn't want to associate with them-but that doesn't mean I can take away their right to do so, and neither can you.
I chose the that one, put me in my cell and throw away the keys. Even though I also said I was doing it to poke fun at the OP, and that I already specifically mentioned this fact in at least one previous post.

But if someone doesn't want to vote for Obama because he's black, that's their choice. It speaks volume about their character and I wouldn't want to associate with them-but that doesn't mean I can take away their right to do so, and neither can you.

Stop your race baiting. To assert that people are racist who don't vote for Obama would mean that they would have to be not only Democrat which not many people on this board are.. but also believe in his far left socialist ideas YET vote against Obama b/c of his race.

I will not vote for Obama b/c he's a socialist, with the wrong ideas and will make everything worse.

It's racist that people are voting for him b/c of his race, without considering the monumental negative implications a Obama presidency would have on their life.

Sorry, but you're the racist.
Since when was it ok to be racist on NSX Prime?

Since when is it any of your business or anyone's business here whether or not they're a racist?

Sorry, but you're the racist.

And the question of the day is, Who gives a f#ck? Whether he picked that option for shits and grins or because he feels that way, is his choice.

Whether people admit it or not, everyone is racist whether consciously or not.
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I'm still waiting for those 7 people on NSX Prime who admitted that they won't vote for Obama simply because of his ethnicity, to come forward.
um you might be trying to make a big deal out of this....let it go....EVERYONE has some small racial thoughts.....if you say you dont, your lying

That's not true. I would bang a black, Asian, Indian, Arabic, Jewish, mixed, or even a white supremacist chick. Doesn't matter to me, if they are smoking hot I would bang them without any racial thoughts - they are all pink on the inside. :cool:
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This thread wins as most goofed up political thread on prime...and thats saying something:rolleyes:
That's not true. I would bang a black, Asian, Indian, Arabic, Jewish, mixed, or even a white supremacist chick. Doesn't matter to me, if they are smoking hot I would bang them without any racial thoughts - they are all pink on the inside. :cool:

If I wasn't married I would tag team with ya. :biggrin:
Stop your race baiting. To assert that people are racist who don't vote for Obama would mean that they would have to be not only Democrat which not many people on this board are.. but also believe in his far left socialist ideas YET vote against Obama b/c of his race.

I will not vote for Obama b/c he's a socialist, with the wrong ideas and will make everything worse.

It's racist that people are voting for him b/c of his race, without considering the monumental negative implications a Obama presidency would have on their life.

Sorry, but you're the racist.

Sure you quoted the right guy there?
That's not true. I would bang a black, Asian, Indian, Arabic, Jewish, mixed, or even a white supremacist chick. Doesn't matter to me, if they are smoking hot I would bang them without any racial thoughts - they are all pink on the inside. :cool:

You're not a racist. Why, you're a ... SEXIST. Welcome aboard. :biggrin:We should get shirts made.:biggrin:
You're not a racist. Why, you're a ... SEXIST. Welcome aboard. :biggrin:We should get shirts made.:biggrin:

Joe man you are sooooo close to 3000!:biggrin:
GOP voter registration fraud case leads to arrest

Mark Jacoby, who was arrested in Ontario and owns a firm hired by the California Republican Party, violated state registration laws, authorities say.

By Evan Halper, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
2:38 PM PDT, October 19, 2008

SACRAMENTO -- The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario late last night on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

State and local investigators allege that Mark Jacoby fraudulently registered himself to vote at a childhood California address where he no longer lives so he would appear to meet the legal requirement that signature gatherers be eligible to vote in California.

Jacoby's arrest by state investigators and the Ontario Police Department comes after dozens of voters said they were duped into registering as Republicans by his firm, Young Political Majors, or YPM. The voters said YPM tricked them by saying they were signing a petition to toughen penalties against child molesters. The firm was paid $7 to $12 for every Californian it registered as a member of the GOP.

Several agencies had launched investigations into Jacoby's activities, including the Los Angeles County district attorney's office, which issued the warrant for his arrest earlier this month on felony charges of voter registration fraud and perjury.

Efforts to reach Jacoby were unsuccessful.

[email protected]

This is the same crap he and the GOP pulled in 2004:
Democrats ALREADY cheating with votes!!!

Vote Early and Often! - The Chicago Politician's Mantra!

The cynical phrases "Vote early -- and often" and "Vote early -- and vote often" are variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.
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