replacing trunk shocks?

11 October 2001
Clearwater, Fl
hopefully the answer is simple on replacing truck shocks
i bought new ones and took the old ones off but their is a bolt with a rounded end on the old ones that i need for the new ones (the shocks didn't come with this part) how do i remove them from the old shock? am i doing something wrong
thanks in advace

[This message has been edited by smoore (edited 10 July 2002).]
Same problem I had when I installed mine. I should have ordered a pair of ball-bolt things with my trunk shock... I assumed (incorrectly) since the engine cover shocks I ordered came with these, the trunks shocks would too.

Anyway, AFAIK, you pretty much have to cut the old ones out. I used a Dremel-like tool to cut the part of the old shocks that were holding the ball-bolt in. It was not hard - about 10 minutes for the pair.

An even more simple solution... Wrap the shock with a rag a few times... take a rubber mallet, and tap it kinda firm once or twice. The point here is to put a slight warp in the assembly. Do that to both sides and you'll see why replacement is not necessary. I did this over a year ago, and mine function like factory new shocks still. As far as other honda rear hatch/glass shocks, i've researched every single car made by them, from civic hatchbacks, to odyssey vans, and NONE of them work.

1992 NSX

Basically you have two choices, replace the ball stud, of cut the old shock off the original ball stud. I used a dremel to cut the old shock off, while in place, since I did not want to mess up the original paint on my 1991.

Since you removed the ball stud already I would just get two new ball studs. If I recall they are about $7 each.

The shock actually has a small snapring inside so these are a "one time" snap fit. You really cannot get the shock off unless you cut the shock base. IF you cut it with a dremel about half way through, you can insert a screwdriver and twist and the shock base will crack.


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 11 July 2002).]
Originally posted by NSXnBRLA:
As far as other honda rear hatch/glass shocks, i've researched every single car made by them, from civic hatchbacks, to odyssey vans, and NONE of them work.

Oh, they all WORK. But they all give out after 5-6 years and need replacing at that point, that's all.