There are people who rent them here on Prime. But there are also people who loan them out for free to fellow members in their region, like mine. I would post in your region for a loaner.
Thx Jinks. I did a search but came up empty on recent posts - most of what I found were from 10 years ago. Good idea on posting in Florida though although it's a LONG state.
Thx Jinks. I did a search but came up empty on recent posts - most of what I found were from 10 years ago. Good idea on posting in Florida though although it's a LONG state.
I'll lend you mine, but shipping will be a killer due to it's length. PM me your address and I'll check FedEx out. Did you know you can bleed the ABS system without it?
I'll lend you mine, but shipping will be a killer due to it's length. PM me your address and I'll check FedEx out. Did you know you can bleed the ABS system without it?
The T-Handel bleeder really isn't your answer. The real purpose of the T-Handel bleeder isn't for bleeding air out of the system, but for measuring the amount of fluid in the accumulator to determine if the accumulator has failed. It will bleed off the pressure in the system to allow for disassembly of the modulator. Take a look at some of my old posts on the ABS system.
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