Removing Top Interior Trim behing seats

25 June 2004
Monroe, NJ
Does anyone know how to remove the top interior trim pieces and the piece behind passenger or driver side seat?
Do we just pry it loose? I dont want to break any clips if there are any. Anyway, whast the best way of remove those pieces? Im trying to install the dali Valentine One mount as well as run wiresto the front of the car. Also, Im trying to hardwire the v1 wires to C913 optional connectors in the fuse box located to the left driverside foot area. Where can I run the ground?

btw, Ive already checked the diy and faq. )C=

just pull back from the upper section of that trim piece. There will be 3 plastic clips and a longer metal "bar" that sets the trim piece in position. Once it pulls back, pull up as there are a few L brackets that goes behind the back square trim.

You may find it hard to put it back, what you can do is remove those two square trim pieces (one has the mappocket) put the upper trim in and slide the square trim piece under the metal brackets.

For the optional connector I believe the last one closest to the front of the car is "Switched". I ran my ground to the little gold 10mm nut on the bottom left corner of the fuse box. You can use just about anything thou.
Thanks man.