Removing the Headrest ?

18 March 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
Getting the old skins off the seat foam on my 91' and have gotten stuck in that I cannot get the headrest to release. I do not see any release latch which some cars have. Putting a vice grip on the post with a better than 45 deg. angle has allowed me to get what feels like a good amount of longitudinal force when I bang on the vice grip with a hammer, but it is still stuck. The right post is moving freely but this left one is stuck. Any thoughts? Am I missing something?:confused:
The rear skin must be removed.

When I took apart my seats... One head rest was held by a spring R clip and other was held in with hot glue along the chrome slide. The glue was factory and held very strongly... I had to mechanically remove it.
Unclear. You posted a picture of the headrest cover (mostly leather). You can put these back together with the help of a putty knife.

If you are trying to remove the actual headrest(#11/23), it is held in by a clip pin (#12) or glue. To get to the clip you must remove rear cover (#7/20), you might be able to get to the clip from the front after removing the seat back (#8/21)


FYI: I'm getting the images from my catalog extract that is now hosted on Brian's Site It has the BIG exploded diagrams
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Thanks a million for all the help. I have only disassembled the passenger seat so far and discovered an R clip at the base of each of the headrest posts. To be honest I never expected a retainer clip to to be at the bottom of the post. I was thinking that any retention of the headrest would be at the top of the post so the headrest could be removed independent of taking the whole seat apart. I learned something here. :smile: