Removing oil stains off of driveway?

12 December 2001
My roomates car has left some nice oil stains on the driveway... I've asked a few of my buddies and some say degreaser with A LOT of scrubbing will get it out, and I've also heard that some sort of pool acid will work.

Does anyone here know for sure before I start to try and get rid of the stains?
This is gonna sound stupid)
Get a bag of kitty litter.
Pour enough over the stain to cover it evenly.
Take a brick and smash it all down till its powdery and leave it (covered) for a day or so.
Then use a degreaser procuct (Check with a local Amway rep - I'm sure they'de love the chance to come over and demo by cleaning it - but they have something that works really!)
If not STP or ZEP will work.
Once you've gotten as much done as possible with a degreaser, clean it off, let it dry and then bleach it!
Syonara said:
I've also heard that some sort of pool acid will work.
Does anyone here know for sure before I start to try and get rid of the stains?

The problem with muriatic acid is it usually leaves an etched stain that looks worse than the original oil stain. Kitty litter is the way to go, per Kleine's suggestion.
Just think - you wont die if you get a really good wiff of (unused) kitty litter or Tide!
The acid wont kill you, but having worked for a pool store I know it can chemicaly burn your nose, throat, lungs and mouth if you breat it in - and it DOES smell!
Not to mention the acid would take some elbow grease to work.
Personaly I wouldnt want to work that close to it.
Acetone and a wire brush.

Pour acetone on stain liberally and scrub with wire brush until it dries.

When dry it will turn into a dry gray film.

After it dries, scrub off the film with Simple Green a scrub brush and water.

I've done this for years and it always takes most of the stain right off. If the stain is fresh enough, it totally removes it.
Many of the answers can work, but the big factor is how long has the car been dripping oil on that spot of concrete. If it has been doing this for a long time, none of those cures will solve the problem. Concrete is porus and the oil finds its way down into the matrix. Even if you remove from the surface it can wick back up. Naptha based solvents with emulsifiers can penetrate the concrete and help quite a bit, but the waste is considered hazardous. BTW, the only way muriatic acid can clean concrete is by burning the concrete away that contains the contaminent. Use it only for surface prep work, and even then in a diluted fashion
Thats why the acetone works so well. Its a solvent that gets into the pores of the concrete where the oil seeps, dissolves the oil and suspends it long enough to wash it away. Try it.