removing dash parts

14 February 2003
south wales,UK
can anybody help.

I have tried to remove the leather part of the dash from directly under the steering wheel without success.
I have looked in the FAQ but could only see instructions on how to remove the center console.
I unscrewed the bottom(plastic) panel and dropped that down,then unscrewed the bottom of the leather panel,but i cannot get the panel to release by the ignition or the other side of the steering wheel.Are there some sort of clips there? because i cant see any screws holding it in place.
all help is appreciated.
Originally posted by jaytip nsx:
I have tried to remove the leather part of the dash from directly under the steering wheel without success.

Have you looked in the "Dashboard" section of the service manual (under the "Body" heading)? In the U.S. version, it starts on page 20-43.

BTW, it's not leather. It looks like leather, but it's not.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 29 March 2003).]
Originally posted by jaytip nsx:

I do not have a service manual or any other information,hence my post for help.

Oh yes you do! It is right HERE
Its been a while but I seem to remember that panel being pretty easy to remove. I think there are some screws behind the panel that point up. I used an angled mirror and a flashlight to look up in there. You might want to try and see if that makes it any easier.
Originally posted by Kinan:
Its been a while but I seem to remember that panel being pretty easy to remove. I think there are some screws behind the panel that point up. I used an angled mirror and a flashlight to look up in there. You might want to try and see if that makes it any easier.

Kinan is correct. their are two screws pointing up at the rear bottom of the panel about two inches in at each end, also after you remove those screws their are two clips at the top front of the panel and even with the screws out will offer resistence.pull panel straight out careful not to break of the tabs you removed the screws from.after you remove that panel their is one more that is up under that and is straight forward removel meaning it is easy to see how it removes not that it pulls straight forward out.hope that helps!
best regards david
Originally posted by jaytip nsx:
I do not have a service manual or any other information,hence my post for help.

Then you should buy one. It's essential for anyone who intends to work on his own car. And the factory manuals from Honda (the U.S. one is published by Helms) are excellent.
I would endorse the recommendation to buy your own - I found after buying mine that the on-line version here on Prime is not 100% - for example, I wanted to know how to remove the seat base & backrest - not on the Prime version but included in the hard copy (I can't blame whoever scanned it originally - mammoth job to do even what's there, which is pretty decent for quick reference for a lot of tasks)
One thing to note: I believe the 91 manual is no longer in print & if you order that year you get a photo-copy version - same price however!!! Get a later edition - I think the 92 is printed edition, but check. Mine is 93 & there only minor changes over the first few years (pass. airbag; cup-holder etc)
Originally posted by D'Ecosse:
One thing to note: I believe the 91 manual is no longer in print & if you order that year you get a photo-copy version - same price however!!! Get a later edition - I think the 92 is printed edition, but check. Mine is 93 & there only minor changes over the first few years (pass. airbag; cup-holder etc)

I think this advice is appropriate for those of us in North America. However, since you are in the U.K., you might be better off first contacting your NSX dealer and seeing if there is a U.K. version of the service manual that you can buy, since some items and their configuration will be different (notably due to the right hand drive).

If you're not already aware of it, one source of information would be to ask other NSX owners in the UK, which you can do here on Yahoo Groups.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 30 March 2003).]