Removing antenna mount

6 February 2002
Atlanta, GA
Can anyone tell me how to SAFELY get this thing off of my rear window? It is the antenna mount from the (I think) factory installed cell phone, which has been removed from the car.

1. Is it glued on or do they put some sort of hole in the window to mount it?
2. If glued, is there some chemical I can get to dissolve the glue?
3. If not #2, how do I remove it?
4. A guy at Acura Carland in Georgia (whom I don't have any confidence in) told me removing it could shatter the window. Is this true?


Don Nowak
[email protected]
NSXTC in Georgia
1992 Red Twin-Turbo

[This message has been edited by DONYMO (edited 28 February 2002).]
They are typically applied with 2 sided foam tape. There is no direct connection through the glass. I twisted mine off with a pair of pliers and scraped the residue off with a razor.
Be careful with the defogger wires on the inside of the window.
If you wanted to do it with a little more finesse than a pair of pliers, a length of dental floss works quite well.
Just hold each end of floss in your hands and see saw it back and forth working the floss under the antenna base untill it gets all the way through.
I got it off. I ended up using 14lb fishing line (wrapped around two pencils) and that worked great. The dental floss kept breaking.

Thanks for the idea, though! I never would have tried that unless you got me going in the right direction.

Originally posted by Kinan:
Be careful with the defogger wires on the inside of the window.

The wires in the top third of the window are for the radio antenna. Yes, they made them look like the ones in the bottom two thirds of the window, which are for the defogger.