Relocating from DC to Waco, TX!

4 September 2003
Yes, after 15 years being in the DC area, I'm leaving the area this fall. I received my acceptance letter to Baylor Univeristy (I'm transfering schools) so I am quite excited. Just thought I'd share the good news before I go out to celebrate. Take care all.

Looks like you got quite a drive ahead of you.
Let us know if you stop through the Dallas/Ft Worth area, and congrats on the acceptance!
ctnsupra1 said:
I received my acceptance letter to Baylor Univeristy (I'm transfering schools) so I am quite excited.

Congrats on the acceptance, and welcome to the Lone Star State! BTW, I can see from your spelling that you must not have been accepted at UT! :D (Just busting your balls a little bit - Baylor is a great school. Just don't dance to that crazy devil's music!)
boy are you in for a culture shock. Baylor is fun, the best thing is that Austin and Dallas are a 1.5 hrs away.;)