References needed- Is this deal to good to be true?

28 July 2011
I don't have the VIN but below is the link for the NSX for sale. I'm not really sure if the odometer story is true or not. In addition, it claims the previous owner "removed gearbox and replace all gears, Clutch, ring and pinion, throw out bearing, and all hydraulics". Is that a big mechanical job i need to be worried about when it comes to the quality of the work?
It just *never* fails... All sorts of stories there about perfectionism, how amazing everything is, modded parts, Honda mechanics, eccentric multi-billionaires, electrical engineers and....

NO mention of timing belt. So once again, another "perfect" 20 year old car that hasnt even had the major service done *once*. All of these "high rollers" and geniuses and no one can figure out that, yeah, its a good idea to follow the maintenance schedule in the book. Or maybe double it. Or if not, triple it? Maybe once every TWO DECADES for a timing belt that says once every 6 :D

The NSX has become the Ferrari pretty much. Cars just get shifted around with no one doing the major.

I'd ask if the TB/WP was done and, if it was, tell the guy that should be in the ad as its a lot more impt than the other BS.

If it was, it changes the value of the car by up to a couple of grand depending on what else is done (the major I had done this summer ran me $2400)

I'd assume he's starting high b/c every buyer has some psychological need to haggle. So better to say "35k" and then let it go at market at around 29k fast allowing someone to think they screwed you, then to price it *at* market and have it either never sell or have to let it go *below* market

I know personally any time Ive tried to sell something at a very fair price, but firm/no BS, Ive ended up wanting to kill someone. The times Ive put something 10-20% *over* market, Ive moved it pretty quickly by letting someone think they twisted my arm into a huge deal. The trick is not pricing it *so* far above market that it turns people off. $35k is borderline for that car, IMO.
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This particular dealer is high with all his cars - that's cause he's a dealer and needs to make money on the car for his business - this is why you usually come out ahead with an individual.

However, with that said and if the interior and exterior - notice he didn't say too much specifially about the interior and drivers side seat bolster specifically, and the service is completely up to date as MLambert says then it's really not that far off - think about the tranny out gear and R&P change and clutch is an expensive job if done just to get the Short gears or JDM gears. That in itself is about 3000. So if the maintenance is up to date as in TB/WP - you just have to see the records - and it has these gears -it's worth 33k minimum. If you got that car for 29k you'd be getting a smoking deal if all the above mentioned work is done. You won't get that from this dealer so you can forget that.

Get the records and get back to us all and we'll review them with you. If you like red then this might be a good car for you!
and the service is completely up to date as MLambert says then it's really not that far off - think about the tranny out gear and R&P change and clutch is an expensive job if done just to get the Short gears or JDM gears. That in itself is about 3000. So if the maintenance is up to date as in TB/WP - you just have to see the records - and it has these gears -it's worth 33k minimum.

How many '91s are you seeing going for over 30k here on Prime? Ken's car has been meticulously maintained and he can't even get a nibble after being listed for a year.

The clutch was changed 11 years and 44k miles ago. I don't think an 11 yr old clutch adds value but instead causes me to calculate how much it will cost to replace that big ticket item sooner rather than later.

I just don't see 91s' getting sold in the 30k+ range any more.

And most certainly I wouldn't characterize this a deal "too good to be true" unless I was the lucky seller that unloaded this car for 35k.
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I just don't see 91s' getting sold in the 30k+ range any more.


It always depends on the car. There are several '91s I've seen in the last couple of years that are worth mid-30s (including mine :biggrin: not that I'm selling any time soon).

I'm guessing that over the next five years, as parts supplies dwindle, and more cars get crashed, earthquaked, flooded, tornadoed, etc. the price will stabalize, then go up.

It wasn't that long ago I passed on pirmo 300SL gullwings for under $10,000 (stupid ass)!

Just sayin'

P.S. With a plate like that (NSXCA) someone must know who owned this car.
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The story in the ad sounds like one I've heard about here on Prime before. I bet this car is on Prime.

Probably just priced it so he could sell at market. Nothing wrong with that. If it doesn't sell, it doesn't sell, and they'll figure it out.
I don't have the VIN but below is the link for the NSX for sale. I'm not really sure if the odometer story is true or not. In addition, it claims the previous owner "removed gearbox and replace all gears, Clutch, ring and pinion, throw out bearing, and all hydraulics". Is that a big mechanical job i need to be worried about when it comes to the quality of the work?

-- Sent from my Palm Pre using Forums

It always depends on the car. There are several '91s I've seen in the last couple of years that are worth mid-30s (including mine :biggrin: not that I'm selling any time

I understand that there are exceptions to every rule but in all honesty how many '91s have you seen sell this year in the 30s? What we think they are worth and what they sell for are two vastly different price points.

The main thrust of my point is that the op thinks this deal "is too good to be true". If this car is worth 30s, then it's not a "too good to be true" scenario. It's just someone buying a car for full retail.
...just another thought... pricing in different parts of the US will vary wildly.
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