Red NSX in Basking Ridge last night

21 May 2006
Basking Ridge, NJ
In 7 years of ownership, I've passed two other NX's on the road, other than at NSX events. Last night I passed an early to mid '90s (black roof) red NSX parked by The Store restaurant in Basking Ridge (parked on Henry St, just off of S Finley Ave ). That's a half mile from my house and the first NSX I've seen in my own town.

Was it anyone on NSX Prime?

'96 NSX-T, red/tan
i've seen one much like the one you described in basking ridge before...don't know anything else about it though...

i've lived here for a long time and have only seen a few on the street (not including my neighbor who used to own an early style black/black)...

parents live in warren...hoping to buy one in the next few years.
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