Red NSX in Accident at Bay Bridge Toll Plaza

23 October 2007
Bakersfield, CA
Just came through the toll plaza towards San Francisco at 9:00 P.M. tonight and saw a red NSX with red roof involved in a multi-car accident. The vehicle was on the side of the shoulder and looked like it had been hit. Fire Trucks and Ambulances were on the scene and lots of cops. I wonder who this is? Hope everyone is okay.
Just came through the toll plaza towards San Francisco at 9:00 P.M. tonight and saw a red NSX with red roof involved in a multi-car accident. The vehicle was on the side of the shoulder and looked like it had been hit. Fire Trucks and Ambulances were on the scene and lots of cops. I wonder who this is? Hope everyone is okay.

Who would that be? Hope he/she is OK, too.
What are u doing here Evan? SF banned you because of the Bride Seats?
What are u doing here Evan? SF banned you because of the Bride Seats?

yea dude lol...cause sf is ran by shops , they dont want people selling cheaper stuff.

do you happen to have a name of the other people that wanted the seats? i just got a coupon on ebay for 15% off!! additional lol....

here is how it could work out, we setup the auction for 3 seats at 700 each free shipping = 2100. 2100- 15% = 1785 / 3 = 595 each seat!! lol, are you still in? im trying to find that other guy. but they deleted the thread.