Red NSX, Black Wheels with a young lady driving??? Who are you?

19 December 2004
Glastonbury, CT
1. I miss my NSX incredibly. I will have a new one soon enough. At least Bob is taking good care of it.
2. My boss loves the NSX also. He calls me up over the weekend because he see's a young lady around 34 (25 is she reads this) in an NSX next to him in traffic.
3. My boss is a car enthusist and sees that there is a good amount of rubber near the back wheels from aggressive driving.

Who was this? Anyone on here? I only saw about 3 NSX's ever while driving mine and now I hear there is a hottie driving around in one... Why did I sell that thing... I'm counting down the days until it's return to my garage. Meanwhile my Audi sucks and I'm selling it. Dammit.
I have no idea who the women is driving the NSX, but I like her already.
But, I am looking forward to you getting back into an NSX Mike.

You might even need to upgrade to 97+ to get a little extra punch and that open top feel that you wanted to get from the Audi.

Let me know when you are ready to look. I'm always willing to checkout a nice car.
Are you guys afraid to talk to women ? ...... Rolll down the window and say HI ! :rolleyes: Usually when you say Hi to someone they say Hi back and then that starts a conversation. :wink:
Are you guys afraid to talk to women ? ...... Rolll down the window and say HI ! :rolleyes: Usually when you say Hi to someone they say Hi back and then that starts a conversation. :wink:

I tried that once and got maced. I'll try it again next time with pants on. :tongue::biggrin:
Are you guys afraid to talk to women ? ...... Rolll down the window and say HI ! :rolleyes: Usually when you say Hi to someone they say Hi back and then that starts a conversation. :wink:

Too funny:biggrin:
I'm still waiting for the day i get another in my garage. i'm still patiently looking for my next one. i've almost pulled the trigger a few times. i have only seen two down my way since i sold mine.
Are you guys afraid to talk to women ? ...... Rolll down the window and say HI ! :rolleyes: Usually when you say Hi to someone they say Hi back and then that starts a conversation. :wink:

what do you say after hi? I`m not afrad i to say hi i just dont know what to say after that. I guess i can say how are you doing? but then what after that?
what do you say after hi? I`m not afrad i to say hi i just dont know what to say after that. I guess i can say how are you doing? but then what after that?

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Dude! Im back in the game! Got a 1995-T, I am so impressed at how well this car feels and drives. What an eye catcher. If you get another one.... Get a targa! Its a world of difference! - Michael

Thanks to Joey! I had a great time coming down to NC and driving back with you so you could get your 02 Yellow Targa!


1. I miss my NSX incredibly. I will have a new one soon enough. At least Bob is taking good care of it.
2. My boss loves the NSX also. He calls me up over the weekend because he see's a young lady around 34 (25 is she reads this) in an NSX next to him in traffic.
3. My boss is a car enthusist and sees that there is a good amount of rubber near the back wheels from aggressive driving.

Who was this? Anyone on here? I only saw about 3 NSX's ever while driving mine and now I hear there is a hottie driving around in one... Why did I sell that thing... I'm counting down the days until it's return to my garage. Meanwhile my Audi sucks and I'm selling it. Dammit.
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Are you guys afraid to talk to women ? ...... Rolll down the window and say HI ! :rolleyes: Usually when you say Hi to someone they say Hi back and then that starts a conversation. :wink:

or... you can stand behind a tree and throw rocks at her.:biggrin: