Red Dawn and mid 80's wonderment

22 September 2000
Dallas TX
Who loved it...who thought about the possibilities of it happening when you were in school back then? Who thought it sucked?

"In the mid-1980's an escalating chain of events leads to the dissolution of NATO and the invasion of the United States by forces of the USSR and its allies. During the invasion and occupation of their hometown, a group of teenagers, including a star quarterback and a student body president, escape into the Colorado Rockies. There they begin an ambitous guerrilla war against the Soviets. Taking the name of the football team, the Wolverines, the guerrillas attempt hold out long enough for Free America to rescue them. In the end, only two survive, the rest haven given their lives so that America "shall not perish from the Earth"."


As a 14 year old kid when I first saw RED DAWN, it was as real as it gets. As an over-the-hill 30-something flippin' thru the cable channels a few months back (USA? TNN?), however, I thought to myself, "What was I thinking back then ?!!"

"Wage Peace, NOT WAR!"

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 12 December 2002).]
I happen to like that movie just as much now as I did when it first came out.

I recently dug up some old videos and found Red Dawn a few months ago. Sorry to those who liked it but it has been one of the corniest films I've ever seen.
This will probably provoke a strong response from somebody, but ya'll should be aware that what the heros do in Red Dawn is clearly terrorism by today's definition.
uuhh, against a foreign army that invaded your land and attacked your nation's government? This would fall into the category of guerilla warfare(IMO).

yeah, i actually liked the movie. For any of you history buffs out there, you already know that this is no less bizarre a possibility than things that actually DID happen over the last 60yrs. Cuban missile crisis, numerous highest alerts, numerous submarine encounters, bay of pigs, afghanistan, division of germany, vietnam, cambodia, korea, et cetera. It is more a surprise that war didnt break out between our two countries. In regards to this movie, the conventional warfare(non-nukes) was the type of war the USSR had the best chance of winning. The US needed the nukes more than Russia.

anyway, done rambling. I always kinda liked the movie.
uuhh, against a foreign army that invaded your land and attacked your nation's government? This would fall into the category of guerilla warfare(IMO).

That's exactly how most "terrorists" see the situation - with the Cechens as probably the most straightforward example.
if u want "defining" movies of the 1980's, i would say 'The Terminator', 'Aliens' and 'Predator'. Hardcore classics.

the other highlight of the '80's would have to be the hairstyles.... *groan*
I wonder if the Iraqi insurgents see themselves as the "Wolverines" saw themselves.