Red 92 on eBay with BIN of $20k (jh4na115xnt001258)

25 August 2005

Red on Black (new seats)
5 Speed
142,xxx miles

It looks to be in good condition. Some maintenance listed in the ad, but nothing about TB and WP. Not a lot of detailed pics.

I have not used eBay in years, but when I attempt to contact the seller, it will not let me email him, is that normal?

Thoughts, anyone know of this car?

Without being able to contact the seller and it being on out in CA, I don't feel comfortable doing more than watching it.
create a new ebay account and contact the seller.

it looks good, but... when the guy says he unplugged the ABS pump because he liked it better without ABS safety feature really means he didnt wanna spend the money to get it fixed, which really means he probably didnt have the engien seals replaced, as if you have the engine apart to do all the seals you would do the timingbelt and water pump,
and since there are more issues that need to be addressed he dumping the car.

this is all just my thoughts and they may be all wrong but mt 2 cents sometimes is really only worth 1 cent
I have eBay account but when I try to "ask a question" I get an auto reply..."We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, this seller is not able to respond to your question. We suggest reviewing the item again to see if your answer is in the seller's listing."

Seems even more suspicious...
didnt we all bid on a car that we knew was a scam and got the cars price up to like 250,000 dollars

where is that thread it was so fun.

then e-bay flagged it and took away all the bids and brought the item price down to 5 dollars

the scammer was probably thinking he was making a fortune LOL

lets all do it again.

and it was an NSX to LOL

never mind I found it the top bid was from Dtrigg he bid 1,300,000.00
heres the link read thru all the pages you will bust a gut

so funny
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well if you look at the seller feedback he has sold like 20 cars so he must buy an flip them
This car actually just got listed in the NSX Prime market place. I've actually seen this car in person and its not as great as the pictures make it out to seems in the pictures.