Recording speedo/tach

27 June 2003
Lenexa, KS, USA
I record my track events with a Sony Handycam and would like speedo & tach readings to appear superimposed on the recording. Does anyone here know of a mechanism whereby this might be accomplished?
this probably doesn't help but the few times I've seen things like that happen, there was usually more than one camera...

then they used a film editor to place them together.


while that datacam is good, it is still very limited. For example you can only see the throttle and brake as either on or off. When throttle modulation is very important info in data log to develop a better driver and tune the car. For instance, if you have to slightly lift in the turn, the data cam might still show throttle on, but good data log can tell how many pervent do you have lifted. This can tell if the car understeer, which require you to ease off the throttle, or the driver need more cojones.

I would suggest going with David from AIM. We do carry the system if you are interested.
Andrie Hartanto said:

while that datacam is good, it is still very limited. For example you can only see the throttle and brake as either on or off. When throttle modulation is very important info in data log to develop a better driver and tune the car. For instance, if you have to slightly lift in the turn, the data cam might still show throttle on, but good data log can tell how many pervent do you have lifted. This can tell if the car understeer, which require you to ease off the throttle, or the driver need more cojones.

I would suggest going with David from AIM. We do carry the system if you are interested.

wondering what's the cost of this system runs??