Recommendations on reviving the NSX

18 October 2004
Moutain View, Ca
Between the start-up, a new set of twins (+ a 3 year old), and the sh!tty weather, the NSX has not been started for about a year. I wanted to know if there's a checklist of things I should to 1) before firing her back up (either with a new battery, or charge/jump the existing one), and 2) after firing her up. I know that when fuel sits, deposits for, but not sure if there's anything I can do about it? Is there a checklist of things I should be mindful of?

Charge the battery with a decent charger for three or four hours before you try to start it. Use the "jumper" terminal in the engine compartment to connect the charger.

If the battery won't "take the charge" a new battery will be in order. (I recommend an Odyssey 35-PC1400 or the lighter weight PC925T -- find them at:

It would be best to crank the engine over for a few seconds (to get oil pressure) before actually starting it (if you can). Otherwise just start it at low revs (no throttle) and let it idle for a bit and warm up before moving away. If the gas tank is full, that's a good thing. If it's not go to a Chevron station and fill it up with Supreme ASAP.

Others may have more complex answers, but these will do the job.
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