Rebuilding stock calipers - problem solved!

20 March 2001
Ann Arbor, MI
After various supportive replies from NSXers who "felt my pain" I was reassured that in fact there was NO unique tool designed to do this job and that YES it was time to actually use my brain. I ended up cutting a plastic cup into two spoon-sized pieces (one for each size piston) and was able to use these pieces to slip the boot over the piston. Felt great about myself for at least 24 hours. If anybody is interested I can take a digital photo of the plastic pieces. BTW the compressed air is for removing the pistons during disassembly.
Glad to hear you got it resolved. Pictures sound great! I'll add them to the FAQ.

re: compressed air for removing vs. installing - at leat you know I wasn't lying when I said I'd never done it before
19inch, you're talking about something else. You're talking about retracting the piston (say when you put on newer thicker pads). Tom's talking about seating the piston through the boot.

-- Chris

Chris Willson
Originally posted by Tom Scarpello:
After various supportive replies from NSXers who "felt my pain" I was reassured that in fact there was NO unique tool designed to do this job and that YES it was time to actually use my brain. I ended up cutting a plastic cup into two spoon-sized pieces (one for each size piston) and was able to use these pieces to slip the boot over the piston. Felt great about myself for at least 24 hours. If anybody is interested I can take a digital photo of the plastic pieces. BTW the compressed air is for removing the pistons during disassembly.
Originally posted by Tom Scarpello:
After various supportive replies from NSXers who "felt my pain" I was reassured that in fact there was NO unique tool designed to do this job and that YES it was time to actually use my brain. I ended up cutting a plastic cup into two spoon-sized pieces (one for each size piston) and was able to use these pieces to slip the boot over the piston. Felt great about myself for at least 24 hours. If anybody is interested I can take a digital photo of the plastic pieces. BTW the compressed air is for removing the pistons during disassembly.
you use compressed air to install the dust boot
push the piston down on the boot,put a little(not much)air into the hose port and the boot pops over the piston,it works great
you use compressed air to install the dust boot
push the piston down on the boot,put a little(not much)air into the hose port and the boot pops over the piston,it works great

bringin this one back from the dead.... just wanted to confirm another successful rebuild with this method.

i love this site i honestly wouldn't be working on my nsx without this forum. (i would've been really stuck and lost many many times without prime)
:smile: :smile:

the more i work on my cars, the more i respect mechanics; and the more i wonder how they do what they do on a time limit :eek: