Really Weird News Stories...

2 October 2001
NeoNSX said:
....Another story about an F-16 Fighter Jet that fired a few rounds of ammo at a school in New Jersey today:,2933,137741,00.html

Very strange world we live in.

This on the heels of the dummy bomb that was dropped on another civillian location is very astounding.

Thank goodness no one was hurt.

Let's hope our very special forces are more effective and safer in the future... :D
NeoNSX said:
Interesting story here where a 6 year old student brought a bag of crack cocaine to school. She claims she found the bag at her home. Her mother says she got the bag of cocaine trick or treating. Now why don't I believe that? ;),2933,137747,00.html

Another story about an F-16 Fighter Jet that fired a few rounds of ammo at a school in New Jersey today:,2933,137741,00.html

Very strange world we live in.

wasnt this you shooting your m16 (avatar) to school? :cool:
NsXMas said:
This on the heels of the dummy bomb that was dropped on another civillian location is very astounding.

Thank goodness no one was hurt.

Let's hope our very special forces are more effective and safer in the future... :D

This wasn't the first incident involving the practice range that is about 3.5 miles from the school that was hit. There have also been 2 planes down and 2 major forest fires - one of which burned 11,000 acres of pinelands according to a newspaper account.