Really off topic

25 October 2001
Northern California
ok, this is really off topic but that is the title of this forum right, and its Christmas ......

This one is for all those hippies left over from the 60s, or the new age meditating gurus who are still waiting for that harmonic conversion on the west coast on top of some mountain ....

How do you "evenly" burn (ie use) those fancy decorative cylindrical or odd shaped candles with aromatic incense .....
Yes, I am talking about the ones from those fancy shmansy stores (Linen and Things, Bath and Body Works, or Tattoo shops or wherever your mom told you to avoid when your hormones were raging when you were a teenager .....

We seem to get quite a few of these as gifts (I am wondering if there is a message in those gifts now .....) and we keep burning only the centers; the liquified wax seems to put the candle out before even using 1/10th of the candles' volume ........

Is their a trick, I mean an "art" to this?

Back to holding hands and hummmmmmmmmming .....

[This message has been edited by Hrant (edited 27 December 2002).]
seriously man... i think u are asking the wrong forum... you'd have more luck with forums such as:

then again, somebody might know...

hehee... this is a funny:
The other day when I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree. - Steven Wright

If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.