Reading LA Times through TV Option in LA?

25 October 2001
Northern California
A older family member is having difficulty reading the LA Times in hard copy due to eyesight - he resides in west LA. Using a magnifier has been one option but quite tedious. While a computer with larger screen, something like 23"-25" with larger font is an option, using the keypad can be problematic.

He inquired about an ipad (or tablet), but that entails (a) wireless router - a complication that won't get resolved once wireless acts until one of us goes and fixes/reconnects it; and (b) the ipad screen is even smaller than his current computer screen albeit the touch menu "can" be of help if he gets the knack of it.

So, is there an option to read the LA Times through cable service as part of added purchased/subscription via cable service? Short of a projector, I am not sure what other options are there without going high tech. TIA.