Rank the most "valuable, rare or desirable" colors of NSX...without regard to...

11 July 2014
Chicago, IL
Rank the most "valuable, rare or desirable" colors of NSX...without regard to...

All else equal (i.e. mileage, coupe/targa, NA1/NA2), which color is the most valuable, rare or desirable?

I will take a stab at it first. I understand (top three) the Grand Prix White, Kaiser Silver Metallic and Long Beach Blue to be the most valuable/rare/desirable.

What do you think?
Rare and desirable
New formula red on a coupe (50 made) on 99 nsx zanardi
Sebring silver on the 1994-1994 coupe (couple hundred made)
Grand Prix white with black interior on na2 (1997-2005) about 5 made on average each year
Often people use the words rare and desirable interchangeable when it comes to cars. They have nothing to do with one another. I had a "rare" Brooklands Green targa NSX prior to my current MC Blue NSX and it was definitely rare but not desirable.

Rare & Desirable to me would be.

Any Blue
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Imola w/imola interior
Rio Yellow Pearl
Long Beach Blue Pearl
Rare exterior color has a mathematical answer: Monaco Blue Pearl with a total of 44 cars (http://www.nsxprime.com/wiki/Rare_NSXs)
Desirable is subjective - although market information would indicate the answer to be red.

That was my original thought as well:
The production numbers don't lie, Red was clearly the most "desirable" color. But, that was a matter of taste from 1991-2005. I would guess today, the most desirable color for a sports car is now something other than red.

Value: a rather subjective measure. Just because something is rare, doesn't necessarily make it either desirable or valuable. But it's a pretty safe bet to assume the following: Rarity + Desirability = Valueable
For North America you would have guessed wrong then. According to PPG who seems to be the authority on these things, Resale Red is still king for sporty cars:

Blue is on the rise though which I suspect to be a short term fad.

huh! look at that!
Thanks for that link. Just goes to show, local anecdotal observation of the North East region seems to be counter to the national trend. I would have a hard time refuting PPG on their data.
Blue is on the rise though which I suspect to be a short term fad.

I am not sure about that. It's been my number one choice for 20 years and I am eyeballing another one because I can't get enough. However, the fact that the new FGT debuted in the perfect color does make me think blue is more "trendy" now. I would say that dark grey might be more of a fad versus blue.
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The most desirable colors for me in my search were:

Brooklands Green
Grand Prix White
NOT red and NOT yellow

Any other sportscar can come in red. I didn't want mine to be.
Orange or Blue. The NSX in those colors doesn't wait for you. You wait for it.

With that said, a Sebring Silver example is very underrated IMVHO...

And just about anyone who sees a Midnight Pearl comes to the consensus of, wow...
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When I was looking for my second NSX, Imola, LBBP and Midnight Pearl weren't even on my radar because they are so rarely up for sale. Then one day I was on Prime to find the contact info for a Black CTSC 02 conversion that looked spectacular in the NSX 4 Sale post. But as soon as I got to the location of the thread there was an 02 Imola that posted only minutes before I saw it. 4 days later I was driving it 1,600 miles home. I think some of these rare colors are desirable, it's just there aren't many to be bought. So, as in my case, out of sight out of mind. You either have the patience of a monk and wait for one to show up and be ready to pull the trigger immediately or you get lucky like me and one just falls in your lap when it wasn't even a thought and be ready to pull the trigger immediately. These rare colored cars don't remain up for sale long.
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Are we forgetting the metallic green? ?

Though, unsure if that is a fair argument seeing as we didn't get that color off the assembly lines here in N. America.
Blue cars are cute in a Kim Kardashian sort of way.

Research indicates that chicks do prefer blue cars :P
I originally was looking for a red NSX...but blue stole my heart.

That's exactly what happened to me!!!

For years all I ever wanted was a Red and Tan but then I saw the radical blues (really all three) and just thought they looked more exotic. The understated styling of the NSX comes alive with these vibrant colors IMVUHO. (U=unbelievably) :)
And just about anyone who see a Midnight Pearl comes to the consensus of, wow...

Very subjective Thread title, but most "interesting"............. if you see the Midnight Pearl in the daylight, sunlight, twilight, nightlight, dawn, dusk, dark, or ??........ like a chameleon, 8 different cars!

Also, Kaiser silver is beautiful.
colors are rare BECAUSE they were not desirable (at the time of purchase, at least)

Most desirable to me would be Monte Carlo Blue. In 20 years if my car's paint hasn't held up, that's what I'll be painting it.