Random Tech. Hi Flow cat.

6 June 2004
Los Angeles
Anyone has experience with these cat.?

1. Will they pass the emission inspection in Calif.?

2. How many miles do they last under normal driving cond.?

3. Are they perfect fit?

4. Noise level or performance improvement?

Many thanks. :wink:
I found the answers to some of your questions at http://www.randomtechnology.com/:

Direct-fit, bolt-in SuperStainless converters are available for most vehicles. Click here for application charts that contain specific part numbers for direct fit converters (no welding reqired) Direct fit converters have all necessary flanges and oxygen sensors (if required) as the original equipment converters.

This design, which meets Federal EPA and California ARB requirements,

They don't list the NSX on their site, but I called them and they gave me part numbers.

nis350 said:
Anyone has experience with these cat.?

1. Will they pass the emission inspection in Calif.?

2. How many miles do they last under normal driving cond.?

3. Are they perfect fit?

4. Noise level or performance improvement?

Many thanks. :wink:
A quick look at the site told me they do not offer a direct fit for the NSX. They have a universal fit (translation: nightmare)

I am sure they are probably good cats, but fitment will be an issue, best I can tell.

The part numbers are #702004 and #702005. It’s not listed on the manufacturer’s site, but it is listed here (I think these are actually for 1991-1994 NSX, not through 1995 as listed). Dali sells these ones, too.
Good Catch, Ojas:). And I would agree they are up to 1994, probably not 1995+
I'm using the RANDOM catalytic converters (cc's) since 1 year now together
with Fujitsubo GT headers and Taitec GT lightweight exhaust.

The combination is very good, the RANDOM catalytic converters
works fine without problems. I got them from DaliRacing.

The Randoms looked well builded to me and the fitment was OK.
Only the gaskets and mounting kit was unusual, because I like metrical stuff, I produced some other gaskets in copper and duraluminium screws and bolts.

The Random cc's have 300 cpi (cells per inches) the OEM cc's have ~ 400 cpi, if I remember right.

I dont have experience with the OEM cc's, because I installed test pipes all the years.

Resume: You can buy the Randoms without hesitation. They are good
and they will save a lot of weight comparing to the genuine cc's.
Procar Specials said:
They are good and they will save a lot of weight comparing to the genuine cc's.
Thanks for the infomation. Did you have a chance to weigh them? Random told me they weigh "~10 lbs. each." According to the FAQ, the stock cats weigh 22 lbs. for the pair. Unless Random’s figures are off or they just estimated weight when I asked, there does not seem to be much savings. Thanks again.