I've ordered a bunch of parts over the past month and have only had time to install a few. Here are a few questions I have.
1. Downforce 02 rear valance- does it require any special hardware such as bolts or support?
2. I have cantrell headers and they came with no gaskets or bolts. I kind of want to replace the bolts and gaskets since I know mine are the original and are 17 years old now. Do I just order OEM ones, lets say from magauto.com?
1. Downforce 02 rear valance- does it require any special hardware such as bolts or support?
2. I have cantrell headers and they came with no gaskets or bolts. I kind of want to replace the bolts and gaskets since I know mine are the original and are 17 years old now. Do I just order OEM ones, lets say from magauto.com?