Random DIY questions

15 November 2006
New Orleans
I've ordered a bunch of parts over the past month and have only had time to install a few. Here are a few questions I have.

1. Downforce 02 rear valance- does it require any special hardware such as bolts or support?
2. I have cantrell headers and they came with no gaskets or bolts. I kind of want to replace the bolts and gaskets since I know mine are the original and are 17 years old now. Do I just order OEM ones, lets say from magauto.com?

In regards to the valance there is a bracket that holds up the center of the lower diffuser DF was supplying them at one time they are cheep like $22

As for the headers I would suggest getting new OEM gaskets and lock nuts they are not bolts i went to Acura they wanted to charge me something ridiculous like $20 bucks a piece and they had honda part #s--(i passed)
went to HONDA and got a hand full for like $5 w/o the individual plastic baggies.

TRY THIS==>http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74785&highlight=header+install
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It is recommended by most do-it-yourself procedures to replace the header gasket when installing a new header. However, on my '92 they were metal and certainly did not look like they needed replacing. My aftermarket headers came with new gaskets of a slightly different type. They seem to work fine, too.

The nuts that hold the header on look like nothing fancy to me. I see no reason they would not be re-used. I re-used all of mine last summer - no problems so far.
Hay its up to you, its not an easy job to redo, and the parts are cheap. I like to do things right the first time.:rolleyes:
Unless they are buggered up there is no real need in replacing them but to be sure go to the parts store and get some Ultra Copper spray gasket. Clean them real well, spray it on the gaskets, of course before re-use. That's what we've used in aviation and Indy cars for years.
