Raleigh / Cary Owners

1 March 2001
Raleigh, NC
Just wondering how many of you live in the Raleigh, NC area? Do you guys ever have any local drives or meets? Just trying to get in the loop after moving from Ohio....

Hey Chris!
Welcome to the area! There are a few of us here, I have only personally met 2 other nsx owners in the area but there are more. You have the same year nsx as I do.
I'm here...Let me know if you guys want to get together...There are several more around, but we don't get together as often as we should.
I'd be interested in a get together.... check out some other nsx's and maybe a scenic drive one weekend.....

leaguestr said:
I'd be interested in a get together.... check out some other nsx's and maybe a scenic drive one weekend.....


count me in on that.. I can probably get tom (wraith) in on this too once we confirm a time/day
DaveJP said:
I'm here...Let me know if you guys want to get together...There are several more around, but we don't get together as often as we should.

Your right about that. I have been so busy w/ a new home purchase and the M3 race car that the poor NSX has not been getting much love. Let's set something up, welcome the new NSX'r.
Definitly! Been a while since I have seen anyone, and I liked everyone I met in the area, cept that DaveJP guy....Any person that will spend half a day on his weekend buffing a stranger's car out and not making it any better, when his looks showroom...;) And that sjones guy, trashing up my neighborhood with his 91....:)
Or Jason, who's yellow color WILL be on mine some day.....albeit with a black roof....

We ought to do a Char-grill cruise in one weekend, with a spirited drive beforehand. We had 5 or 6 show last year, which I thouroughly enjoyed, and there is enough other stuff going on that you don't have to hang around just the group, although with a few showing up, the crowds around the cars would probably make it happen anyway.

Someone take charge and make some plans and a date! I'm good at sugestting but not good on doing...:)
Let me know what you folks figure out. My wife and I are relocating to the Raleigh area after we sold our house in California. Still need to transport the NSX, but I should have it here in a week or so.

Thanks in advance.

Hey Doug! Welcome to the South! How was your trip to Europe? Good I hope......

So where did you end up buying your new home?

We all need to definitely plan something, especially since mine will be sold soon.
Thanks. Good to hear from you. Because of the information you gave us, it was a primary decision to relocate to this area. What wonderful people here. Wow, they are SOOOO nice here. Don't have a house as yet. We rented an apartment in the Brier Creek area of Raleigh. We want to get to know the area proir to purchasing a house.

We have an apartment with no furniture. We are sitting on the floor. We donatiated most of our furniture to charity prior to our move out of Santa Barbara. We're camping out at this time.

Looked at Brier Creek as well as Groverors Club. PM me. As I mentioned before, my wife and I owe you dinner folks for your help.

Don't have the X here as yet. I have to fly back and pick it up and drive it to Raleigh.

Thanks again for all of your help.


Ok, I will throw out some weekend options (either sat or sun)...

1) July 17
2) July 24
3) July 31
4) Aug 7

If we want to do a drive, we need time to pick a good route unless someone knows a descent one?

Let me know your thoughts...

Doug... I live right down the road from you off 540 and leesville


Any feedback on dates so far? I am going to get my car in the next week or so. It is currently sitting in my parent's garage, so I am going to fly over and drive it back.

Once I get it, I'll PM you and you can stop by.

I'll go with the 24th as well. Looking forward to meeting you folks.

I'm in as far as I know. Just FYI the "cruise in" night at the Char Grill on Atlantic Ave. is tomorrow. I am moving tomorrow but will try to atleast stop by there. Always fun.
raleigh or not to raleigh?

hello raleighians, or raleighites.

my wife and i are at our wits end trying to decide on what to do regarding our move. we like what we hear about raleigh and we enjoyed our visit there. however, business is the x-factor.
i am pretty confident that i can continue to work with clients that i have up here in the northeast, but i have to assume that it will slow down. how is the economy doing out there? i hear good things, i hope they are true.

the primary reason for the move is to get out of the horrific winters while maintaining a good family environment and great schools for the kids (1and3). i hear that raleigh fits these needs extremely well.

i know i asked for input before, so pardon the redundancy, but if anyone had anything else to say about the area, that would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance!
OK, if it's the 24th, where and what time? FYI, my wife gets back from New York that morning.
Just purchased my white 93 . I'm down here in Salisbury looking for owners and gatherings between Charlotte and Raleigh.

Let's show the muscle car guys what's available.

I'm also a member of the Corsa Rosa Club in Winston. Great guys and needs nsx owners. Meets 2nd tuesdays of each month at Sagebrush in Kernersville, 7pm.
Lots of choices...

pixelhaus said:
i'm going to be in town on the 3-6th. any recommendations on things to see/do?
restaurants? bars?


Hi James,

A few recommendations:

Seafood: 42nd St Oyster Bar

Steaks: Angus Barn

Vin is supposed to be very good... haven't been there yet.

I'm partial to Sullivan's, but that's not a Raleigh exclusive.

Casalinga is not fancy but is a great Italian restaurant.

See Citysearch for more choices.

thanks bryan!
looks like we're 99.9% certain about the move.
i'll be meeting with a realtor again when i fly out.

we had an open house on sunday and received 2 strong offers.

thanks again for the recommendations. if you guys are having an nsx outing let me know!
