I know someone installed a manual switch to deactivate the antenna mast from going up with no detectable loss in radio reception.
Today I installed a similar switch in my car and I get almost NO radio reception with the antenna mast down. When my antenna goes up roughly 10 inches, I begin to receive reception and it's at full reception once the mast is about 1/2 the way up.
Is there an auxiliary antenna ( i.e. in the rear glass) that could be not working on my car?
Does anyone have an explanation why my car does not receive radio with the mast down while another car does?
Is there any way to install an "invisible" antenna?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Today I installed a similar switch in my car and I get almost NO radio reception with the antenna mast down. When my antenna goes up roughly 10 inches, I begin to receive reception and it's at full reception once the mast is about 1/2 the way up.
Is there an auxiliary antenna ( i.e. in the rear glass) that could be not working on my car?
Does anyone have an explanation why my car does not receive radio with the mast down while another car does?
Is there any way to install an "invisible" antenna?
Thanks in advance for any replies.