Radio reception problems. Help?????

11 November 2002
St. Louis
I am having some radio reception problems recently and need help. The dealer told me that I probably have a bad lead that goes from the head to the actual antennae. They say I can't order a new lead from them and think that it may only be the lead end that is bad, but can't do it themselves. (plug that connects to the underside of the antennae)

My question is where can I get the end, does it have to be an Acura part, or can I get one at radio shack/stereo store? Would you recommend replacing just the plug, or should the whole thing be done?

I just had the mast and antennae replaced, so I know it can't be that. How hard is it to replace the whole lead? Any suggestions?

P.S. The antennae goes all the way up, but stops on the way down three inches before full retraction.
If I don't have the soldering iron. Can it be done without soldering? I'm afraid that replacing the end won't do the trick and there is a problem somewhere along the lead wire. Any way to test this?

[This message has been edited by jlindy (edited 13 January 2003).]
You say you just had your antenna mast replaced and now the radio doesn't work. Coincidence?
I wouldn't be so quick to assume that it is installed correctly.
When I changed mine, the connector had some oxidation on it that got worked loose and hindered a good connection from being made. If I were you, I'd get back in there and have a look around. Cleaning is much easier that soldering a new part.
Use some 1000 grit sandpaper or an xacto knife to scrape off oxidation.
Clean it all off with some alcohol before you reassemble it.