Radiator Leak

1 October 2001
Tuscaloosa, AL
I have noticed a small coolant leak coming from the top plastic portion of the radiator. There is a small hairline crack starting at the bleed screw and traveling down to the metal portion.

Has anyone had success patching/spreading some goo/glue over something like this or should I start shopping for a used radiator?

This is a pressurized system. Any attempt to patch it IMO will just give you grief later at the worst possible moment.

I would just replace it. There are many dealers offering NSXCA discounts, check them out first:

www.hondacuraworld.com (RayLaks)


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 24 January 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 24 January 2003).]
If the plastic is ABS plastic which it usually is in foreign cars, there is a good chance you can get "thin" ABS glue that you can soak into the crack then clamp it. The glue softens the plastic and it readheres to the adjacent plastic.

I'll test out the glue on my radiator ends and let you know if it is ABS plastic. If it's not ABS, then you might want to try a patch using some high temp RTV, a flexible patch of metal or plastic and a hose clamp.

Sounds like the bleeder has been overtightened and that has caused a stress fracture. How much is a new radiator? Can a new plastic radiator end be installed aftermarket?
Yea, I probably did over tighten it and with age and vibration it finally developed the hariline fracture.

I emailed the people Larry suggested to get a quote just to get an idea of what a new one costs.

I wonder if Acura sells just the top plastic portion. I had a Porsche 928 years ago where you could just order the plastic side tanks. It is not shown seperately in the parts manual. Does anyone know?