Racy engine and spongy brakes- help please!

7 September 2003
Abu Dhabi, Gorgeous green Capital of the UAE
Fellow NSXPrimers,

I own a '91 automatic and would appreciate any ideas as to:

1. When stationary at traffic lights or just stuck in traffic, the engine becomes 'racy' as if out of breath, revs surging up and down, not idle-ing smoothly. I usually slip into neutral and rev to above 1,000 rpm and it settles there (with my foot on the gas). Any ideas?

2. When using the car, especially in traffic, I notice that the brakes start becoming spongy, fading and I have to push quite hard to slow/stop. After resting for a while, things are usually back to normal. I need a diagnosis of why this may be happening and in general, is there anything to do to sharpen the brakes?

Thank you for any input.
+2 vacuum leak. With any luck it isn't the brake booster itself. You should be able to hear the leak. Will sound like a hiss.