Some of these Ferrari guys really crack me up sometimes. I read through the posts and laughed out loud when I got to the guy talking about heritage and memories.
Growing up I remember the Testarossa coming out and that was my dream car. Later in life I was able to purchase this "dream", I still own it because I would feel too guilty selling it to an unsuspecting person. This car has been nothing but problems and expense. I still think it is rolling art, well maybe stationairy art most of the time.
I also believe Ferrari has gotten better over the years and I wouldn't mind owning a new Ferrari and might some day. I think the reason for a substantial amount of this improvement was due to the NSX.
I truly hope that the new NSX puts the 360 and its replacement to shame at the track, I guess time will tell. If so, I will buy a new one in a minute!
I am also glad that this forum has a much better attitude than that forum and I am also glad that Allan has left us and is now driving them crazy!