racer X now has his NSX

5 August 2003
Mesa AZ
96 Pearl 99K no mods (yet). Yes it's an Automatic/paddle but, I personally don't care. No debates please.

So I drove the 550 miles round trip twice. Once on Monday then back again on Tue to pick it up.

To those that are shopping and looking.... my advice is be ready, use all the tools to look- and when the deal you feel is right for you appears, take hold of the flame. It will happen when you least expect it.

Many thanks to those that helped me prior to purchase.


Thanks for the reply. I was starting to get discouraged.

I clicked on your web site and saw your car. Wow.

Again thanks.
Hey Joel,

Thanks for the message. When I say paddle.. shift I am refering to the (tiptronic stick on the stearing column)

I will post pics, but first the car must be washed. Went out and purchased $100 worth of detail stuff yeasterday.

Rain forecast today. Nice on the weekend, I can't wait.

ps Great picture.. one of the things I need to search for on the site is how to post a pic next to my name.

Have a good day.
racerX said:
Thanks for the message. When I say paddle.. shift I am refering to the (tiptronic stick on the stearing column)
It's called a Sportshift.

Tiptronic is somebody else's trademark. ;)
Yeah!! Congrats!!

Please share some pics once you are done with the detailing :D
Have fun!!