Raced a 97' modded Z28...

3 April 2002
[This message has been edited by wildrice (edited 08 May 2002).]

[This message has been edited by wildrice (edited 08 May 2002).]
Originally posted by POWERED by HONDA:
Please... no street racing/kill stories!!!

DITTO!! Take those to the Supra forums!

'91 Black/Black
LMAO, bet you didn't expect those reply's huh? I think pretty much everyone here (or atleast the ones that speak their minds) are above the "kill" stories. Anyway, I guess I'll say it before someone beats me to it. "Yo, cuz nice kill, way to represent"

1994 Red/Black NSX #418
Some of us secretly like to read these threads.
But due to the peer pressure not to 'stoop to those levels', many do not post their stories.

Me personally? I make the kill and let them talk about it on their forum. ;P But I will second that... way to represent!!!
Nice kill dawg, now go get em Limborghiniz... Don't come back until you chase down those big fat bulls... shoot, shoot get outta here and go get em and get em good...
Didn't realize that we were above such idiotic, childish, immature actions. I will be sure to keep such stories to myself in the future and try to control my urges. You know that those urges can really get you into trouble sometimes.

How many closet racers are out there with stories that they would love to tell but feel that they can't? Suppression of urges can lead to pent up demand and implosion or worse, explosion - so be careful.

I still bet that there was some degree of satisfaction within most of you by more readers than you would care to admit.

I will continue to search out and hopefully destroy, on a selected basis, but will keep such stories to myself. Sorry for the sharing.

[This message has been edited by wildrice (edited 08 May 2002).]
I personally think "Kill Stories" should be allowed...it's cool to share a racing experience...whether on a street or track. If I bought an NSX, and spent the cash to mod it out...why would I not race another car? I don't buy this "we're above that" philosophy...kind of sounds snobbish (sp?)



2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S
Originally posted by O-Ace:
I personally think "Kill Stories" should be allowed...it's cool to share a racing experience...whether on a street or track. If I bought an NSX, and spent the cash to mod it out...why would I not race another car? I don't buy this "we're above that" philosophy...kind of sounds snobbish (sp?)


Snobbish? Never! (as he tips his martini glass with pinkie extended)
Actually I think most of the guys are wanna-be snobs. Or maybe its because the NSX isn't that fast in a straight line :P

1994 Red/Black NSX #418
howcome everyone throws in $$ for mods if they arent going to engage in a friendly light to light race....???? I do all the time, but I will keep to myself...
Go ahead do a friendly light to light race. There is nothing wrong with that. We all did it once or more in our lifetime. Just don't get it over your head.

I think what this forum like to discourage is the tendency of people going out to look for their "prey". Constantly looking for people to race. This can create a very dangerous situation.

Also, we all know, how bad a thread of kill story can be. It will go downhill rightaway. There just too much variable, either the other person don't really give it all, traffic or anything. This can result of another guy that is driving the same car as your opponent to post here and start saying bull****. See where it heading now?
Basically it doesn't prove much because it's not being done under controlled conditions and within agreed upon rules that everyone understands. It's just a one-off experience that in my opinion adds no value to those other than the ones in the actual cars.

And like it was said those of us who've been around can tell you that all they do is fuel gang like wars between different owners. And for what? There's no sanctioning body, no award money and no visiability that provides any other gains. So for me they're just meaningless.
This is straight from another thread I posted:

Kill sections are just waste of space. Most people use it as indicators of which one is the better performing car which is absurd. I see some people on other boards claiming to kill cars that I know are faster because I've owned both cars that were in the race in the past. Here is what I suggest you should do when you want to see whose car is faster: 1) Flag the guy down 2) ask to test drive his car to see how the car feels compare to your own and vice versa. To know what car is better the driver must be a constant. To see who is a better driver: 1) repeat step 1 from above, 2) have a friend loan you his NSX so that the other guy can drive it, 3) go to a race track. To know what driver is better the car must be a constant. A street race doesn't tell me anything other than 2 immature guys breaking the law.
Agreed. Kill stories promote BS. Look at all the other forums out there that have "kill" threads. I like visiting a forum that has good discussions and little BS.

More importantly, street racing is just plain stupid. Innocent lives are at stake... innocent people are killed when people street race.

That is how my best friend died. From a stupid MF'n street race.

... please, no street racing/kill stories.
Hmmm no kill stories??? How about results of my cars?

I have a 97 C5 slightly modded, exhaust, hypertech, filter, and some few things on an automatic. Against my 91 stock. The 1/4 miles was basically almost identical. But doing a rowing start the vette definately had the NSX. But the NSX was running on 18" tires so that might have slowed it down. The 0-400m the vette was ahead by 1/2 car length. With the rolling start the vette was ahead by 3 cars.

But the engine of the vette is definately a lot more powerful then a NSX.

Now with the RX7 94 stock, vs stock 91 nsx, the nsx had way greater powerband from low rpms. By the end I think the NSX was like 4~5 car lengths ahead.

Now with a 2001 BMW 330ci convertible, this is not even an comparison.

The NSX with CLK430, a better run. The CLK had a pretty good top end. The NSX didn't blow the CLK away like the beemer. By the end the CLK was behind by 5 cars.

Vs. the BMW 850, hate to say this.. but this was actually a hard race. We did 5 runs to verify this as well. The 850i had filter cone upgrade and that's it. The NSX only mustered a 1 car length lead at best. The 850i was a 6 speed.

I am thinking these are not street races because they were done in a very secluded backroad privately at night. All cars were on street tires and in normal trim.
I've "lost" to:

1. Ford F150
2. UPS's Big Brown Truck
3. numerous camaros and mustangs
4. nonturbo 4cyl. Eclipse
5. C3? Corvette
6. BMW 325 (had to be 80's car)
7. Chevy Monza (70's)
8. riced Civic
9. lost count

At it's best, street racing proves you can make it to the next light faster than the next guy. And even when you do that, you're just tripping the light for the guy you supposedly beat. At worst, street racing is a deadly competition in an uncontrolled environment.

Why not take the "racing" to the track? Either a road course or a drag strip will settle your competitive spirit. Believe me, there is nothing better than diving next to a trash talking 400 supercharged Camaro under braking. Or passing that same Camaro on the straight b/c you had better exit speed on the last corner. And then have that Camaro wonder what else he's going to do to keep up with a 270hp Honda. A drag strip may be a different story though. . .you may want to change your gearing.
i enjoy the street race stories. all the bullcrap,of its illegal, dangerous there is not one person here who at one time or another hasnt raced his nsx or broken the speed limit, and at that point we've all endangered someones life. i say post your street racing stories, and if someone dosnt like them, then dont read them!hell, i race all the time, more soo in the lambo than the nsx for some reason, but one thing i will say, is that i dont race through traffic, and i wont race where there is the possibility of someone turning out in front of me.give me a nice open road though, and lets go!!!!!!!!!
It is illegal and it is dangerous. Breaking the speed limit is a little bit different than racing someone on the street or on the highway. You know, I agree, I'm sure everyone of us here has street raced one time or another but that doesn't mean it wasn't a very stupid and dangerous thing to do. It doesn't mean those people still do it. And it certainly doesn't mean that because nothing happened to you before, that you won't kill yourself and/or someone innocent in the future. So why do it? Is it the rush of beating someone or of going fast? Do you get a trophy from it or maybe some money? Do women flock to your car door after the race is done?

I don't see the point of racing on the street at all. I understand the desire to get an NSX or a Lambo up to speed, I really do. . .but to introduce "competition" into a totally uncontrolled environment at high speeds, at best, is reckless. Take it to the friggin' track already.

But I say post your street racing stories. Post them all. And if someone doesn't like them, let that "someone" totally lambast the person putting other people in danger - for no reason. If you don't like getting critized for it then don't put your story up. If you don't like reading about street racing then don't read it. . .or read it and tell the "street racer" what a foolish thing it is to do. Pretty simple.