Race an NSX against other exotic/sports cars!

10 September 2002
I ran across this site while surfing today:


Here are the instructions:

Grab the rear tire and move a racer to the starting line - front bumper just behind the green line (for accurate time).
Careful - if you click the car's front tire, it will start racing!

You can select one car in each horizontal lane but don't move it out of it's lane. When you've got the lineup you want (2-6 cars), click on your selected cars' front hoods or tires to start them racing.

As you click each car, top to bottom, the moving cars reset to the starting line so that the last car you click makes the racers in the lineup start at the same time.

Follow their race down the track by scrolling to the right. The winning car and elapsed time will be shown above the finish line. In an apparent tie, race the two cars head-to-head.

Note: 1/4 mile stats are from actual time trials.
Click Restart for another race!

Have fun!