Osiris, I was thinking the same thing about the Korean car manufacturer. If Hyundai would use its drive/ambition/momentum right now and build a 75k mid-engine exotic and get its suspension sourced from or in collaboration with Lotus that would be very enticing. Hyundai builds v8's and Honda doesn't (road cars). Now I know Hyundai isn't on par with Honda at the moment when it comes to engine build, or technology but they are creeping up in fit and finish and reliability. Even their Genesis coupe is REAR wheel drive. A couple of years ago I wouldn't even think of the thought of a Hyundai in my driveway, but say 5-10 years from now I don't think I will come to the same conclusion. If Hyundai can produce a ferrari fighter like Honda did in the early days, I would buy one. I think Hyundai is on a serious mission, a mission to make a name for itself that no longer coincides with cheap cheap cars. Hyundai right now has what Toyota and Honda had in the 70's.