R.I.P Len3.8

I am sorry to hear this. With all of the kind words being said about him, I am sorry I did not have the pleasure of meeting him. He sounded like a great guy! R.I.P
Wow..... I didn't know Len personally but still this makes me feel awful. Not that one more condolence to his family is going to make any difference right now, but they have mine :(.
My deepest condolense to his family.

This is a great shock, I remember browsing thru prime last night...
I greatly wish his family and friends will find peace soon.

Rest in peace, Len.
Most of us didn't had the chance to meet Len in person but he has been a big part of the our (nsx) community thru nsxprime..and today I join the many others who mourns his loss. Lets all pray for him and his family that they may overcome this tragedy. I hope that we all learned an important lesson today.

PS: Is there somebody organizing some kind of donation/flowers for his family to represent nsxprime?
:frown: :frown: :frown: RIP Mr. Len :frown: :frown: :frown:
I was lucky enough to meet Len at NSXPO 2003 in Infineon. Ever since I have known him, he has consistently demonstrated a thoughtful, caring, and understanding personalilty. He was always helpful and considerate in how he communicated to others on this forum.

What tears me up the most in this tragic incident is the loss that will be felt by his family. He was always so quick to talk about his love for his kids and his wife.

This world would be such a better place with more people like him.

Peace, Len.


I am at a total loss of words. :frown: As I read the post, my hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Len was a great guy. RIP. My condolences to his family. :frown:

My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Len's name was familiar to me as someone who posted here for a long time. Since I'm a new rider who just started riding a motorcycle this year, this news has another facet for me. I rode to work today too.

This type (left hand turn in front of) of accident is the most common cause of fatalities on a motorcycle. People are so tuned to seeing cars that a motorcycle seems not to register in their minds.

Certain aspects of motorcycle culture doesn't help the situation. When I took the MSF class, which partly was held in a local Harley dealer, visibility and "being seen" was something that was stressed over and over.

Ironically, when students would go downstairs into the dealer showroom, 99% of the gear (i.e. helmets, jackets, gloves) was black. And even worse, it seems the trendy and cool thing now is flat black. Crazy, let's make sure no one sees us at all. Even with bright colors people don't see motorcycles, but IMO, one should take every possible precaution.

Please spread the word about motorcycle safety, the need for bright colors, and be on the lookout as you drive. At this sad time it's one way I'm able to cope with these situations.

I just heard the truly sad news. Len and I have been through a lot together and have shared many similar interests. I can't believe he is gone.

God Speed my Brother. My thoughts and prayers to those you have left behind.

This is tragic!

I have had the pleasure of meeting Len in December of 2003 when he came out to California Speedway to see the JGTC all-stars race.

He was such a pleasure to be around with! He was so funny and so personable. He immediately talked about his love for his children, and asked me about mine. :( He was such a great guy... what more can I say?

My condolences!

Godspeed Len! :(


R.I.P. This reminds me just how Fragile life really is. My Condolensces to the family. Greg Z
Shocking news. So young!
I hope his familiy will have enough support. Not only now and in the coming weeks but also after this sad period. When people will go on with their "lifes".
This is unbelieveable.

Of all the people I've gotten to know through this forum, Len was always the one that I felt truly compelled by. Totally unselfish, friendly, giving, enthusiastic and always wonderful to talk to. I consider him the closest friend I have never physically met. I can't count the number of late Sun night chats, PMs, e-mails and phone calls I've enjoyed with him.

After reading through this thread, it is obvious to me that Len could and did share his incredible gift of self with everyone just as he did with me. The world, this forum, and his family have lost an incredible person. I will sincerely miss him, and would love to do whatever possible to help his family and loved ones in this time of overwhelming loss.

To the locals and close friends: Please, let me know if there is anything I can do.
Terrible tragedy. He had so much living left to do. The Len I knew was:

-A family man who loved his wife and children.
-A successful entrepreneur.
-Fun to be around.
-Always willing to lend a helping hand.
-Someone who sought advice, as well as shared his personal experiences with fellow NSX enthusiasts, and not just having to do with cars.
-Someone who volunteered his time in assisting others.
-A person of charity, and passed on that foundation to his children. You might recall his NSX Prime Christmas time donations as being from his children.
-Someone who loved a good laugh.

I can honestly say that because of some of his personal life experiences he shared with me, I'm a better person for knowing him.

I too always enjoyed Len's posts. Never met him in person, but had a few great conversations about suspension upgrades here on Prime. I could immediately tell he was an upstanding, knowledgeable, and friendly individual. A true loss.

My prayers go out for him and his family.

My prayers go out to his family there is not much more to say then what has already been said. I wasnt sure what to expect when I opened the thread but I like everyone else am just as shocked.

R.I.P. Len
I never knew him personally, but followed a few of his posts here. He looks like he was a great all around guy. RIP, I'm sure he has touched many lives.
I knew Len thru the Porsche Club here in St. Louis and news of his passing is a crushing blow. He was a great guy and he will be sorely missed by many, many people...

Godspeed, Len, Godspeed.