Quick leasing question.

18 January 2002
Glenview, IL
Could I purchase a car under my own name, and then lease it to my company? I don't want to be locked into a lease, but still want the benefit of writing off the vehicle expenses. :cool:


NsXMas said:
Why not have the company buy the vehicle?
I believe there is limit on the price of the vehicle when buying it under the company's name; something like $50K or so. With leasing, the price of the car is not an issue. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

O-Ace said:
I believe there is limit on the price of the vehicle when buying it under the company's name; something like $50K or so. With leasing, the price of the car is not an issue. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes there are caps on leasing as well. Talk to your CPA about it if you are serious about it. I used to advise my clients on this long long time ago, but I'm not up to date on the latest regs.
I plan on calling my CPA later on today; just thought I'd post in case someone already had an answer to this question.

