Questions and concerns

4 January 2003
The OC
As a perspective owner I have some questions.
1. Been reading the threads on spitting, which upsets me to no end. Most people say wipe it off and get on with life - well saliva has acid in it so it could ruin the paint. Someone had spit on my truck and the clear coat was damaged. Will Teflon and/or wax aviod paint damage? 2. I rarely see NSX's parked in public parking lots. Where does everybody park when they take it out? 3. Everyone has seen Ferris Buellers Day Off. Do NSX owners use Valet parking? 4. How many NSX's are stolen each year? What is the best security system?
I have never had my car spit on, but someone once poured beer all over my car. Does that count? ;-) Admittedly I was parked in a dumb, high visibility place for many hours at night.

Since then I've made an effort to avoid parking my X anywhere in public for extended periods of time. In nice weather (mostly summer) I drive it to work almost everyday-- the car becomes a daily driver. However my workplace provides private guarded parking.

I still occationally park the NSX in a busy parking lot, but I always park in the outer edge of the lot and try to avoid being inside the store for more than 30 minutes or so. So far no problems! I figure the likelyhood of something bad happening in a few minutes is quite low so it's an acceptable risk most of the time. But I would never leave my car in such a place all day long.

Other times though, the NSX gets left at home for no reason other than fear of vandels, which is really makes me sad. There's just some places with no good places to park or groups of teenage gangs roaming the streets nearby that I wouldn't want to chance it.

I would never use valet parking. Do you want some guy you don't even know driving your baby?

Security systems and alarms are worthess in most situations-- nobody pays attention to the damn things! The best defense is to simply avoid parking your car in bad places for extended periods of time. And keep your car in a locked garage at night.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited 22 January 2003).]
Originally posted by ss_md:
Will Teflon and/or wax aviod paint damage?

Yes, but saliva shouldn't damage the paint.

Originally posted by ss_md:
Where does everybody park when they take it out? 3. Everyone has seen Ferris Buellers Day Off. Do NSX owners use Valet parking?

It depends on where I'm parking. I sometimes park it in a public lot. I avoid valets but depending on the location, it's sometimes worthwhile to slip them a little more to let you park it yourself right in front of the place.

Do a search on these forums and you'll find plenty of discussions on this topic.

Originally posted by ss_md:
4. How many NSX's are stolen each year?

Not many. The market for used NSX parts is not huge, since most of them don't fit other cars.

I worry a lot more about where to park my Integra Type R than my NSX.
It's good to hear that there isn't high theft on the NSX. Thaks for the input.
after reading enough horror stories, and also undercover news program in LA area supposedly high class restaurants..etc, I would NEVER, NEVER use valet! If valet was the only choice, I would turn around the go somewhere else or go home. That just me though!

[This message has been edited by SilverOne (edited 26 January 2003).]
Let me second the idea of NEVER using a valet to park ANY car that you care about (much less an NSX). The main problem (ask me how I know) is that many of these operations are sub-contracted, and if they do cause a problem...good luck getting anything out of the parking company...and all the while, the restaurant (no matter how reputable and/or upscale), will simply look the other way. If you do valet park, make it your business to inspect every part of the car before you drive off and be sure to inform them before leaving the lot if they've screwed something up; and don't leave without written confirmation...
I think having the car valet parked is long as the car is parked right out front, or in a very prominent position, and you see the guy doing it. In addition, in the couple of times that I've had the car parked by a valet, I often tell them that the car is new (which for me, is technically true, since I recently bought it) and that I'd appreciate it (and make it worth their time) if they didn't move it. I've never had a single problem when I've operated in this manner.

Keep in mind, that while it's always ideal to park the car yourself, sometimes you feel like going out in the X (to a nice restaurant, to an important function, etc.); at times like these, it's more logical and reasonable to have the valet park your car, than to park it yourself in some forlorn parking lot, where it is only sporadically monitored and God knows who can do do what with it.

EDIT: you can also do what nsxtasy does, and slip the valet some to allow him to let you park the car up front.


[This message has been edited by NSXaholic (edited 27 January 2003).]
There is a device made by LoJack called the Early Warning System (EWS). It is suppose to alert you on you your mobile phone or pager when the car is started w/o the security dongle in the vehicle. Does anyone have any experience with this piece of equipment? Is it worth the price of approx. $1K installed + $250 lifetime service fee. It includes the regular LoJack Traking device.
Originally posted by ss_md:
There is a device made by LoJack called the Early Warning System (EWS). It is suppose to alert you on you your mobile phone or pager when the car is started w/o the security dongle in the vehicle. Does anyone have any experience with this piece of equipment? Is it worth the price of approx. $1K installed + $250 lifetime service fee. It includes the regular LoJack Traking device.

Some details from the LoJack website are below. I guess my only comment is that it's fine to know "real time" that your car has been stolen...but isn't it too late by then!!
For high-end exotics, probably better to have something that stops the jacking before it even begins. Like a quick release steering hub.

LoJack Early Warning Recovery System

When your vehicle has been stolen, every second counts in recovering it. Introducing the LoJack Early Warning Recovery System. The auto security system that lets you know if your vehicle has been moved without your permission.

* It provides an added layer of protection on top of the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System to give you peace-of-mind.

* It enables the police to track and recover your stolen vehicle sooner.

* You carry a personal LoJack Early Warning Key Pass that sends a signal to the LoJack Early Warning Recovery System confirming that you are an authorized driver.

* It alerts you to check on your vehicle no matter where you are- at work or traveling.

* You choose how you want to be contacted - phone, e-mail or alpha pager.

* If you confirm your vehicle has been stolen, you contact the police and they will activate LoJack.


[This message has been edited by NSXaholic (edited 01 February 2003).]
Originally posted by NSXaholic:
I guess my only comment is that it's fine to know "real time" that your car has been stolen...but isn't it too late by then!!

No, because the police can use the Lojack to track it down immediately and recover it before it's damaged or shipped overseas.
I can answer some questions. I've owned two NSXes and have taken both out on the town in Wash. DC regulary. I've parked in questionable areas & have never been a victim of vandalism,yet (knock on wood)! I'll have to say that I do take reasonable precautions such as a space w/ plenty of room on either side or preferably w/ none or one on a side & also well lit spaces. I also try to park in a nice spot where the NSX blends in w/ other parked cars, I never park it way out in left field where it sticks out like a sore thumb, seems to me this strategy actually works against you in attracting even more attention onto itself. It's easier for a vandal to get away w/ the crime where he can't be seen by others. I also try to park in parking garages where they are affordable, but only if the attendant will let me drive it in, NO WAY will a valet ever touch my car. The front lip is too low & these attendants will not properly angle the car to avoid scrapage. Recently, I've avoided parallel spots to lower my chances of scraping my rims & being tapped by careless parkers in front or behind me. I would probably take the same measures for any of my cars, nothing too anal or out of the way. In four years combined w/ both NSXes, I've never even gotten a door ding. BTW, one NSX had no security system, but my current one has an Alpine w/ proximity sensor.

[This message has been edited by QWKSLVR (edited 02 February 2003).]
Originally posted by QWKSLVR:
...I also try to park in a nice spot where the NSX blends in w/ other parked cars...

Oooh. Tough call -- I don't know how you get that to happen.
Glad to know that all is well with your NSX. May it stay that way.

Originally posted by SilverOne:
after reading enough horror stories, and also undercover news program in LA area supposedly high class restaurants..etc, I would NEVER, NEVER use valet! If valet was the only choice, I would turn around the go somewhere else or go home. That just me though!

[This message has been edited by SilverOne (edited 26 January 2003).]

Sounds like something I would do.