Question Regarding a Test Drive Problem

20 December 2008
Grass Valley, CA Lake Tahoe, CA and Kona Hawaii
I test drove a 98 NSX last week that I am considering purchasing. I had it on a straight stretch of road to test the brakes. I took it to about 8000 RPM’s in second gear and hit the brakes hard to see if they pulled. The Check Engine Light came on as did the light between and above the tach and speedo, which I believe is the electronic stability control. After a while the stability light went off, but the CEL stayed lit. I turned the engine off and restarted it several times but it stayed on.
I asked the vehicle owner to take it to an Acura dealer to read the fault code. The owner told me yesterday that the light went out before he got to the dealer and that the dealer couldn’t find any fault codes. He says that the dealer told him that the CEL comes on sometimes when the engines gets to redline.
What can you guys tell me about this?
sounds fishy.If the cell came on they should be able to pull codes.If someone pulls the clock fuse or disconects the battery the codes are lost.If it were me and a cel popped up during a test drive,,,,I'd be buggin.The fact that the owner did'nt seem concearned,as you described it,gives me pause that this is not the first time.These cars can be redligned with frequency,and if properly maintained should not have issues.
He says that the dealer told him that the CEL comes on sometimes when the engines gets to redline.

Either the dealer is a complete idiot (not likely), or the seller is because he is lying (likely).

No... the cars never CEL even when bouncing off the rev limiter.
No... the cars never CEL when braking hard.
Yes.. you should RUN away from this car - not because there may be something bad (there may) but because the seller is either an idiot or lying or both.
It IS normal for the CEL light to come on at redline!!!!

When the engine has problems...

Run away man, run away... Oh and post the car's info here so no other primer gets scammed!!!
I'd INDEPENDENTLY call the Dealer/Service Dept.
My pre-purchase test drive revealed an intermittant CEL that ultimately turned out to be an Oxygen Sensor going bad.
I'm not certain that you need to run away from the car simply because the current owner or NSX tech may be dim witted or lying. After all, if the problem is as simple as an O2 sensor you can solve the CEL problem, get a new tech, never see the current owner again and have yourself a nice car.

Base your purchase on the car, not the owner.

My .02
Ask the owner if he would be ok w/ a PPI/compression/leakdown test. If he has something to hide he won't want to have it done. Make a deal on the car based on the fact that it passes. IF something comes up significant (say over $500 in repairs) then he pays for the tests. IF it comes up clean then you pay for the tests.

Thanks, that's all good advice. My experience has shown that CEL issues are usually emissions related, ie. vacuum leaks, O2 sensors, etc. In checking the repair invoices I found that a previous owner had taken the car to an Acura dealer because both lights of those warning lights had come on and the dealer replaced 3 injectors.
Also, I noticed that when the rpm's were raised slightly from idle that the engine sounded like it had a slight stumble.

Andybody have any further comments?