Question for NSX Techs

3 July 2008
Marblehead, OH
I have a very basic question regarding this Snap Ring issue, and my car is indeed within range: Is there any way to measure the groove that was out of spec on some cars and thus causes the SR issue ?? From my understanding of things, the machine that made the groove for the snap ring to sit in gradually went out of spec as it machined cases. Therefore, is there any way to simply check to see if the groove it too wide ??

Please, Please Please no flames I checked to see if this issue had been addressed.
The groove is only about 1-2 mm, I don't know the exact spec, but very hard to get a accurate measurement. The tolerance may only be .01 mm or less. So they all look the same. We are talking about very small difference that manifest itself over a long period of time.
From what I under stand it was less about tolerance then the sides of the grove not being parallel or square to the centerline. If your case is in the snap ring range and you can take it apart to check the grove but you might as well just replace the case while you are at it.
The groove width is not the issue. I have spend many hours, made a jig for a dial indicator and measured a series fo transmissions in/out of range. Concluded NOTHING:). But....after the fact I found out from Mark Basch(it is in the FAQ here) that the groove width was never the issue, it is the depth of the chamfer machined into the edge of the groove. If the chamfer was cut too deep it allows the snap-ring to "roll" in the groove and break.

This was a quailty control issue, based on a tool that was moving out of spec over time. Thi is why you cannot really know exactly which cases are bad.

Here is the FAQ page:

It does state in the original statement in the FAQ, that the groove was too wide, and that is not 100% accurate. Read on:)
